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Criminal Activity Posted On YouTube Leads To Arrest

A young hooligan in North Wales stole a pair of sunglasses -- right from someone's face -- and then posted the evidence of his criminal act on Real intelligent, mate. On the video-sharing website, the self-described "bald lad" refers to ... his behavior as "Absolutely WILD!!" The clip begins with a man grinning wickedly as he walks down a storefront street. He then quickly pilfers another person's sunglasses. But before the victim can react, the thief runs off like a coward. It ends with the criminal's buddies laughing and waving. The video -- which was titled "Wild specs robbery" ... (view more)

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Internet Explorer 8.0 Already Rumored

Have you recently made the leap of faith from the relatively-buggy Internet Explorer 6 to the recently released and even-more-buggy IE7? IE7 is Microsoft's latest web browser and promises better options and security. Although it has gone through its ... own controversy in recent weeks, Internet Explorer 7 is generally considered an advancement in Internet surfing. And with that said, there are strong rumors that the Redmond-based company has already begun working on Internet Explorer "Next," which should be ultimately dubbed Internet Explorer 8.0. Recently appointed Internet Explorer platform ... (view more)

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Mozilla To Unveil Firefox 2.0 Today

With last week's release of Internet Explorer 7, Mozilla refuses to let Microsoft take centre stage for long. The company recently announced that it will be rolling out Firefox 2.0, the newest version of the popular web browser. The scheduled date ... for the release is set for Tuesday, October 24th. Mozilla's Vice President of Products, Christopher Beard, has said that Firefox 2.0 will be available for download free of charge from the company's website, (Source: ) Firefox 2.0 promises improved features and functionality, and asserts its superiority not only over its ... (view more)

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The First Nation Where All Kids Have Online Access May Be ... Libya?

Remember that old TV commercial where each desk in a classroom represented a different country's educational ranking? At the end of the advertisement, an American kid walked to his desk -- and it was way in the back, symbolizing the U.S.'s poorer ... standard of education compared to the rest of the world. By 2008, the U.S. -- and every other country in the world -- may be left in the shade again ... this time, by Libya. By June 2008, Libya hopes to give every single one of its schoolchildren access to a laptop -- 1.2 million, to be exact. If successful, the third world nation could become the ... (view more)

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MIT For Free: Take College Classes Online At No Cost

For many aspiring students, getting into a top-flight university such as MIT, Yale, or Princeton is a lifelong dream. Unfortunately, that dream never becomes a reality for many of those eager pupils. Grades, finances, or any number of other ... obstacles can get in the way. With the front door firmly shut, very few people ever think about going around to the back. Surprisingly, the good news is that a number of educational institutions already offer courses to pretty much anyone -- for free. So, what's the catch? Most of the classes can't be taken for credit and will not count toward a degree. ( ... (view more)

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Rock On! Free Live Concerts Coming To MSN

The best things in life are free; getting something for nothing is like music to my ears. And now, Microsoft has found a way to make that expression literal. The industry giant has teamed up with Control Room (the company behind last year's Live 8 ... benefit concerts) to bring free live musical shows to the MSN web portal. The deal spans multiple years and includes 36 exclusive concerts. The performances will air live on MSN's 42 global websites and then they'll be available on-demand for a limited period of time thereafter. So, how is Microsoft able to provide these shows free of charge? The ... (view more)

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Podcasting: What is It?

"The President of the United States is dead. He was murdered in the morning sunlight by a four-year-old boy ..." That's an intriguing excerpt from "7th Son," an online podcast novel written by J.C. Hutchins. The plot of the story from the author's ... official website goes on to read: "7th Son is the story of seven strangers who have been brought together after the recent assassination of the U.S. president. These men quickly discover they all appear to be the same man ... with identical childhood memories." (Source: ) Interested in the story but not quite sure how the heck a ... (view more)

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Blair Witch Director Looks Online For Cast

Have you always wanted to be a movie star without going through the hassles of taking acting classes, making a fool of yourself on some reality show, or lining up for endless auditions? You may now have your chance -- thanks to Daniel Myrick, the ... director of The Blair Witch Project. Myrick's next movie, The Objective, will be cast online through, a social site that enables its users to share their pictures and videos. The director checks Abazab every morning for new submissions. He says he'll make his final casting decisions in a few weeks. "We have a casting director on board but ... (view more)

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Free Prime-Time Shows on

"Lost," "Desperate Housewives," and "Grey's Anatomy" fans rejoice: these are a few of the programs that ABC will soon be offering free of charge via their website. (Source: ) Disney-owned ABC ran a two month test run last spring to ... determine the viability of an Internet broadcast. Clearly, the results were positive. The company announced this past Thursday that beginning May 2007, select ABC shows will be available on the day after they air. Viewers will be able to pause and rewind the episodes. They cannot, however, fast forward through commercials, which Disney says will ... (view more)

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NBC Forays into Online Video

Marking the network's largest venture into online video, NBC announced last Tuesday that it will offer a free ad-supported video player to web site operators that will feature content from NBC and its partners. The service was created as a joint ... venture between NBC and its affiliates and will be known as the National Broadband Company (NBBC). NBBC will pull together videos from NBC, its local stations, and from other networks for delivery of the online service. The Horror Channel, Forbes, and CNET are some of the content providers that will be providing the service. The ad revenue generated ... (view more)


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