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NBC Forays into Online Video

Marking the network's largest venture into online video, NBC announced last Tuesday that it will offer a free ad-supported video player to web site operators that will feature content from NBC and its partners. The service was created as a joint ... venture between NBC and its affiliates and will be known as the National Broadband Company (NBBC). NBBC will pull together videos from NBC, its local stations, and from other networks for delivery of the online service. The Horror Channel, Forbes, and CNET are some of the content providers that will be providing the service. The ad revenue generated ... (view more)

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AOL Offers Movie Download Program

We've recently been covering the woes of America Online (AOL), once North America's dominant Internet service. It seems with the recent shift to broadband AOL has struggled to accompany its customers, leading to layoffs. Recently, the company ... announced new plans for downloadable movies, although the feature might not be the saving grace AOL is desperately seeking. The new movie program is the result of freshly-hatched deals between AOL and a number of film companies, including 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group, Universal Pictures, and Sony Pictures. Under the agreement, ... (view more)

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A Night at the Movies: Best Film Sites on the Internet

Who doesn't love watching movies? And of course, there's the thrill of the big theater experience: a giant screen, a large tub of popcorn, and the excited hustle and bustle of hundreds of other people. And then there's the relaxation and comfort of ... staying at home and cozily spreading out on your living room couch with a DVD, a bag of grapes, and a mug of beer. Whichever option you choose, there's something undeniably magical about sitting back with a good flick and getting swept up in another world. Whether you're a diehard film buff or just a casual moviegoer, the following websites are ... (view more)

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Fired: More Bad News From AOL

It wasn't so long ago that we reported on the reluctant decision of America On Line to lay off some 5,000 of its workers . At that time, extremely slow dial-up sales had reduced AOL to losses in that sector, demanding that it change its outlook ... strategy and in doing so, restructure. The move cost thousands their jobs. Today, more bad news is leaking from AOL, as it appears three significant employees have been terminated after a recent scandal over released customer information. The most alarming termination surrounds Maureen Govern, AOL's Chief Technology Officer. Hired in September of last ... (view more)

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Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Delayed Until October

As Internet Explorer 7 ushers in some surprising positive reviews for industry giant Microsoft, Mozilla has announced that its Firefox 2.0 browser will be delayed until at least mid-October. The re-scheduling of Firefox 2.0 means that Mozilla's new ... web crawler won't be ready this month, greatly disappointing a growing fan base. Mozilla: Growing in Popularity Once an underground cult favorite for its security features that, for the most part, improved on many Microsoft faults, Mozilla's Firefox browser is constantly growing in popularity. In total, most sources estimate that Firefox now ... (view more)

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Online in Rural India: Village of Hansdehar Establishes Web Presence

Welcome to Hansdehar, India. It's a tiny rural village with a population of only 1,753. Unemployment, erratic electricity, no pharmacy, and a lack of help from the Indian government are among the problems Hansdehar's poor residents are suffering ... through. (Sources: and ) To combat these problems, Hansdehar has established its own website. will help expose the area to its own neglectful government -- and the rest of the world. Now things might finally begin to change for the little village that could. "It will be a revolution," insists farmer Ajaib ... (view more)

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CBS to Webcast Evening News with Katie Couric

CBS has announced that it will begin streaming a live Webcast of Katie Couric's new gig, the "Evening News" when the program makes its official debut on September 5, 2006. This news piggybacks on CBS's recent announcement that it will offer Webcasts ... of several of its popular primetime programs including: "CSI," "NCIS," "Survivor," "Jericho," and "Numbers." The online portion of the simulcast will be made available to Web users for free and will be supported by advertisements. After airing, Viewers will also be able to access the "Evening News" will be available as a whole on an on-demand ... (view more)

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Cyworld to Rival MySpace

Korea's number one online social network, Cyworld, recently launched into the U.S. market on August 15, competing with the U.S.-based What is Cyworld? Cyworld, which was started in 1999, leads Asia's social networking scene with ... localized sites in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China. In the Korean language, Cyworld means "relationship world" and the media is touting its U.S. debut as a "refreshing and essential platform for the burgeoning online U.S. social networking sector." (Source: ) Entering into the U.S. Market The U.S. Cyworld team is based in San Francisco ... (view more)

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Fanpop: For Fans, By Fans

Fanpop is a new site that's a network of "social portals," as they call them; the portals are created for fans, by fans, on a topic that people are fanatic about. Topics on Fanpop aren't limited -- they can be anything you can dream up! Within each ... portal, you can meet other fans while you contribute to the community. In the Links section, you can share, rate, and categorize your favorite links; in the Forum section, you can discuss; news and blog postings from the the web for are pulled into the Headlines section. All this fanatical content combined, portal by portal, is Fanpop. When this ... (view more)

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Web 2.0: The Next Generation of Thrills and Threats

As might be expected, new horizons bring new threats. As the browser and website world expands, so too do security risks that offer anything from Spyware annoyances and popups to viruses that damn the functionality of the average PC. Recently, ... insiders have revealed that this new generation of Internet technology is growing so fast that it is outpacing the safety of security updates. Web 2.0 is the common term used for websites that offer increased functionality and interactivity beyond simple HTML (no-flash) text. Undoubtedly, many of the pages who proudly describe themselves as proponents ... (view more)


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