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Firefox 2 Beta Download: Coming Soon

Just as Internet Explorer 7 is receiving some much-needed positive early reviews for Microsoft, Mozilla recently announced that the beta version of Firefox 2 will be available later this week. It is the first beta of the new browser released, and ... Mozilla hopes it will tempt software developers seeking to take advantage of updates to the original Firefox platform. Much of the purpose behind the beta download stems from Mozilla's hope that the new extensions in Firefox 2 are compatible with those used in the previous version. (Source: ) Firefox 2: What's New? Although Mozilla is ... (view more)

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Flock: A New Type of Web Browser

Flock is a free Internet browser based on Mozilla Firefox that is tweaked to let you socialize with the rest of the planet more easily. Last week, I received an email from Flock asking me to try the newest beta version. I tried it out for awhile and ... now you'll know what I think of it. Flock: Setup After downloading Flock and installing it, I was presented with a wizard that tried to walk me through the setup. Flock uses several free services that allow it to do some unique things. I had a few problems getting through its Wizard, mainly because I wasn't signed up for all the services Flock ... (view more)

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Flashplayer 9: Adobe's Newest Media System

Adobe Systems, Inc. has recently released Flashplayer 9: its newest media system. Promising to provide users with the most vivid content on the web, video without annoying downloads, and greater interaction with websites, Flashplayer 9 is available ... free from Adobe's website (Source: ) Flashplayer 9: What's New This most recent version of Flashplayer supports Actionscript 3 and Flex 2 as well as incorporating two Virtual Machines (VM). The purpose of the multiple VMs is simple: the first plays older Flashplayer media, while the second concentrates on exclusive new content for ... (view more)

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Can't Find a Parking Spot? Look Online!

The struggle of circling around streets to find a parking spot may soon be at an end. These days you can do just about anything online, from paying bills, purchasing movie tickets, and even buying groceries. And soon, the Internet may be the best ... place to look when trying to reserve a parking spot. Internet-based parking services were first introduced in late 2005 at airports, and continued to develop as many companies experimented with the technology. With urban planners estimating 30% of all downtown traffic is a result of drivers looking for parking spots, this new technology should make ... (view more)

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Dell Offers Customers New Online Support Service

Making a call for PC technical support is often not a enjoyable experience. In fact, many customers have voiced complaints about how their PC provider handles technical support, with Dell being at the top of the list. (Source: ) Dell ... has realized that many of its customers are unsatisfied by its current technical support and is hoping to silence the criticisms with a new service that allows technicians to remotely troubleshoot a malfunctioning PC over a high-speed Internet connection. Dell announced that all U.S. customers currently under warranty will receive this service for ... (view more)

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StumbleUpon: Social Web Browsing

StumbleUpon is a browser toolbar which brings social networking together with web browsing. All that you need to do is join the service and download the toolbar. You then select your interests and then simply click Stumble!, and voila -- you're ... immediately transported to a web site where you can read more about a topic and even meet up with other users with similar interests. The browsers supported are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Flock, and Mozilla. Once you display a site using Stumble!, you can press the thumb-up or thumb-down button to 'vote' for that site. As you continue to do ... (view more)

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Send email to a Large List of Recipients?

Infopackets Reader Mary C. writes: " Dear Dennis, Is there a way to do a BCC [Blind Caron Copy] from a list of email addresses I keep stored in MS Word? I want to copy and paste email addresses to an email message using Outlook Express, but it seems ... that I can only do this if addresses are present in my Address Book. Can you help? " My response: You can copy and paste a list of email addresses into the BCC field (or the TO: field for that matter) by separating the list of email addresses with commas or semi colons. For example: email@one; email@two; email@three, etc. For more information on ... (view more)

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SimplyBill: Web-Based Billing

SimplyBill is a Web 2.0 billing web-based application. SimplyBill lets you easily create invoices that you can send to clients by email or print out to mail. You can subscribe to your invoices with RSS (handy!), export your data for use in desktop ... spreadsheet applications, send reminders and thank-you messages to clients, keep track of payments you've received, get email alerts when invoices become overdue, set up recurring invoices to make sure you get paid, and tag your invoices to find out which types of invoices you send the most and which are for the most money. There are many pre- ... (view more)

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Google Pages: Free Webhosting

A few weeks ago, I was offered a chance to try out one of the many free services that Google is developing. The service is Google Page Creator and it's main purpose seems to be making it really easy to create your own web pages. Take a peek at my ... Google Page here . The great thing about it is that you don't have to learn HTML or even worry about paying a web host to have your own web site! From " Create your own web pages, quickly and easily. Google Page Creator is a free online tool that makes it easy for anyone to create and publish useful, attractive web pages in just ... (view more)

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CourseForum: a Classroom Website for Free

CourseForum is a small and fast web application for the home, a small business, or the classroom that allows you to create an interactive website on a local network. After I downloaded CourseForum's small 1.7mb installer, I had a personal website on ... my Local Area Network (LAN) within minutes! I was able to access my website and make changes on my LAN from any PC. I am just thrilled that something this easy to use is free, and it's available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD. Click here for a CourseForum screenshot. From the CourseForum website: " An Easy to Use Web Application: CourseForum ... (view more)


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