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Preloader for flickr

Let me just start like this: Preloader rocks. I can't believe I just found this tool! Preloader is a free image editing tool for flickr users. It's designed to pre-process photos uploaded to flickr. Using the public flickr API, Preloader connects to ... your fickr account and allows you to edit your photos in your browser. And these aren't just your basic edits, either! Beyond your basic cropping and rotating, you can edit layers, apply filters (ie. sharpen, contrast, greyscale, brightness, etc.), adjust the gradient, histogram, add text, ... (view more)

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Good and Bad News from AOL

It has been a bittersweet day for America Online. On the same morning the company announces that it has beaten industry giants Microsoft and Google in launching the first online storage system, the company has at the same time admitted that it must ... lay off 5,000 employees. The cuts represent nearly a quarter of the AOL's manpower, and are part of a massive restructuring effort across all of its international offices. The hardest hit branches may be those located in Europe, as rumours abound that the entire United Kingdom arm of AOL could be severed. In desperation to regain some of its once- ... (view more)

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NBC Announces Alliance With

YouTube is now synonymous with the likes of Google and MySpace as one of the Internet's hippest buzzwords and has now become the talk of the Internet since launching a little over a year ago. Infopacket columnist Sarah Perez even lists the video ... sharing page as one of her top ten sites that have changed the Internet . In only five months -- from January 2006 to May 2006 -- YouTube leaped from 2,471 unique visitors a month to a whopping 12,669. And now the big boys are taking notice. Television network giant NBC has struck a deal with that promises to be mutually beneficial to both ... (view more)

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The 'Hub': Wal-Mart Launches Imitation MySpace

Let's face it: Wal-Mart is the most dominant retail chain in North America. By importing cheaper Chinese wares and selling them to U.S. and Canadian consumers for slightly less than the competition, the massive all-in-one department store franchise ... has choked out small business pennies at a time. Yet there is one demographic that has not yet contributed fully to Wal-Mart's tremendous growth: Youth. In an attempt to act on the popularity of MySpace, Wal-Mart has launched its own similar site, "The Hub", a social site with the intention of raking in as much disposable income as possible. So, ... (view more)

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Rumor Has It: Amazon to Launch Online Movie Downloads

Amazon, the venerable online retailer best known for selling books, CDs, and DVDs, is said to begin offering downloadable films and television shows to Web users next month. A source close to the offering confirmed rumors that Amazon Digital Video ... will allow users to download video either on a pay-per-view basis or by subscription, where a one-time fee is paid to view movies over a certain time period. (Source: ) This news follows closely on the heels of last week's rumors that Apple is heading in the same direction. Competing with Apple? This is not the first time that news has ... (view more)

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Top 10 Sites That Have Changed The Internet ... For Me

I was thinking about how far the internet has come since I started blogging a few years ago (over yonder at Blogger back then), and decided it was time to show some love for the websites that I wonder how I ever lived without. I know I've left great ... sites out, so it's up to you to fill in the blanks. Anyway, without further ado, here are the top 10 websites that have changed the internet for me: 1. Google. For me, Google = Internet. What good would the net be without this search engine? Google is so ubiquitous, that we sometimes forget about it. It's just the search box, right? No! It's the ... (view more)

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Bit Torrent: What is it?

In the world of computing -- especially home computing -- one of the things we enjoy most is gathering new and interesting programs to make a difference in our lives. I suppose it could be considered a cyber extension of the 'Hunter/Gatherer' part ... of us; we go to a download site and browse the lists looking for the one thing that will make our days a little brighter. We find it and click the file we want, and our computers are connected to the server that stores the file -- and eventually, the file is transferred to our system. From there, what goes on is a little more in depth (but it's ... (view more)

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Zooomer Offering Bloggers Free Pro Accounts

Zooomer is a new photo-sharing website that aims to be the site of choice for bloggers. To get us bloggers interested, they are offering free Pro accounts to bloggers. To get the free Pro account, all you have to do is host at least one image at ... Zooomer. Signing up for Zooomer is relatively easy to do Apply for an account. Upload an image. Cut and paste the html code. Next, blog one of your images. Finally, head back to their " Proitizer " page and type in the URL of your blog post. Bada-bing, bada-boom, you have 2.5 gigs. It's a no-brainer! Read more tech news at! (view more)

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Newspapers, Yahoo Considering Partnership

Recently, BusinessWeek magazine reported that Hearst Newspapers and MediaNews Group are leading preliminary discussions for partnership with Yahoo in content-specific areas. (Source: ) The partnerships would include collaborations in areas ... such as local news, theme-based content packages (for instance, travel), and web classifieds. (Source: ) Preliminary talks also indicate that readers would be able to receive customized information based on their location and preferences. It has been speculated that the collaborative effort will focus on jobs postings, allowing ... (view more)

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New Look and Enhanced Features for Yahoo Finance

Yahoo's popular Finance section revealed a new look and improved features to Internet users on July 17, 2006. The changes to the site will allow for increased user-functionality and reveal a more up to date appearance. The site's facelift ... incorporates enhanced features including business-related video clips from such content partners as CNN, ABC, SmartMoney, and Forbes; interactive stock charts; and improved messaging boards. (Source: ) Enhanced Features The interactive stock charts will allow users to change and customize charts' time ranges by utilizing a click and drag function. ... (view more)


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