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MGM and Google Announce YouTube Movie and TV Deal

Just a few days ago I reported on rumors that Google was nearing a deal that would lead to the placement of full-length movies on its popular video site, YouTube. Now, it appears Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), one of Hollywood's biggest studios, is on ... board with the idea. The precedent for full-length movies was set back in the summer, when prominent Canadian studio Lionsgate (behind flicks like W. and The Transporter 3) announced they would be placing shorts on Google's popular video site. Of course, that's besides the fact that more and more people turn to web sites like Hulu for their favorite ... (view more)

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Yahoo and Google Deal Denied by Justice Department

Just as we reported yesterday, it seems the Yahoo and Google web advertising deal has been rejected by the Department of Justice. The decision came early Wednesday morning when the Justice Department announced to the two top search engines that if ... they went ahead with their planned agreement (which would see Google ads on Yahoo's web pages), a lawsuit would be filed to block it. According to reports, over the last few weeks federal antitrust regulators steadily became more and more critical of the deal. Although there's still a chance the deal could be made with significant changes to its ... (view more)

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Google Pays $125M For Copyright Infringement

Not long ago, Google agreed to pay $125 million to the book industry to settle claims of copyright infringement over its BookSearch scheme. The agreement means Google can now legally scan copyrighted books and put them online as long as they are no ... longer in print. The cash will go towards setting up a registry of books involved, compensating authors and publishers affected by Google's violations, and paying the legal fees of the case. The agreement will have to get the backing of a New York court (where the case was brought) before it takes effect. (Source: The case involved a ... (view more)

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Yahoo and Google Advertising Deal in Trouble

Those of you who feel that the merger of the web's two largest search engines is a flagrant violation of antitrust legislation will be happy to hear that an analyst studying Yahoo and Google's recent advertising deal believes it may very well fail. ... Jeffrey Lindsay, analyst for Sanford Bernstein, recently called the attempted merger a "desperate gambit" and highly unlikely to pass the Justice Department. Lindsay expects a decision will be deferred until next year, with the expectation that a prolonged period of indecision will lead to the deal's eventual and perhaps inevitable ... (view more)

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Google Figures Out How To Make Cash From YouTube

Google is to introduce one-click links to buy products associated with video clips on its YouTube site. The move will be the first step towards recouping the $1.65 billion it spent acquiring the company two years ago. The new links allow viewers to ... automatically buy songs through iTunes or the Amazon digital download service. The links will appear next to videos of the relevant songs. There will also be appropriate links to buy the popular video game "Spore." At the moment the music links are restricted to songs produced by EMI or Universal, two of the four major record labels. However, given ... (view more)

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Google's Mail Goggles Could Prevent Email Debacles

"Mail Goggles" is now part of Google's free Gmail service. The feature is simple really, but could serve as an effective deterrent against very bad email-based decisions while in an 'altered state'. Just answer a few basic math questions in a ... specified period of time before sending out your email. You shhhaid wha...? After a grueling work week, you decide to accept an invitation from some friends to meet at a local bar for a beer. While reminiscing about the "good old days", you realize that one beer has become two, two beers have become four and in no time at all you have surpassed your ... (view more)

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Google and Yahoo Ad Pact Delayed as Review Continues

A pact between two of America's most popular search engines has been delayed. A controversial advertising deal between Google Inc and Yahoo Inc was pushed back, according to reports from Yahoo on Friday. The delay is closely tied to controversy ... surrounding the agreement. Yahoo openly admitted that its deal with Google -- which would allow Google to sell advertising for some of Yahoo's online advertising space -- is being closely scrutinized by the United States Department of Justice. "We have had discussions with regulators and look forward to responding to their questions about this ... (view more)

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Infopackets' Guide to the Web's Top Browsers

The world's most popular Internet browser, its nearest challenger, and the 'new kid on the block' have all launched recently, or are in the process of launching new editions. Here's our guide to the latest offerings from Microsoft, Mozilla, and ... Google. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 8, the latest edition of Microsoft's browser, is currently in its second test edition, with the final version expected later this year. New features include improved security scanning, smarter search suggestions and a built-in function for viewing pages designed for earlier browsers that aren't ... (view more)

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A Decade with Google: What's Next?

Ten years ago, Google filed its business incorporation papers. In the decade since, the search company has changed the planet. Without any doubt, it is the most successful business on the Internet landscape and is well-poised to continue in that ... vein. To fully appreciate Google's achievement, one needs only to examine its history in comparison major competitor Microsoft. A decade down the road, Google boasts revenues of just under $20 billion. Microsoft is 33 years old and has revenues of approximately $60 billion. At age 10, Microsoft had revenues of only $140 million. Google's market value ... (view more)

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Google Shines with New Browser, 'Chrome'

Google recently unveiled a brand new web browser that may very well revolutionize your Internet experience. Called 'Chrome', Google claims it presents a fresh approach to web browsing: "In the early days of the Internet, web pages were frequently ... little more than text...But today the web has evolved into a powerful platform that enables users to collaborate with friends and colleagues through email and other web applications, edit documents, watch videos, listen to music, manage finances and much more. Google Chrome was built for today's web and for the applications of tomorrow." (Source: ... (view more)


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