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Vomit, Sex Shops And Toddlers Cause Google Uproar

The debut of Google's Street View technology in the United Kingdom has not gone smoothly. Besides general privacy complaints and claims of hypocrisy, there have been some embarrassing images taken of British society. The service goes one step beyond ... the aerial views which were recently praised for saving lives in Australia. Street View uses millions of images to display a picture somewhat similar to what users would see if they stood in the relevant street. Already popular in other countries, it launched in the UK last week covering 25 major cities. The idea is that all faces, along with car ... (view more)

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Live@Edu Marked 'Future' of Student Collaboration

Microsoft has won another skirmish in the war for market share , as Queensland University of Technology agreed to transfer about 40,000 student email accounts to the Live@edu suite of applications. Queensland University of Technology has been ... internally testing email products from both Microsoft and Google for the past year, and made the choice to use Live@edu based on student feedback and the school's overall familiarity with the Microsoft environment. Professor Tom Cochrane, deputy vice chancellor for the Division of Technology, Information, and Learning Support, also noted that the ... (view more)

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Global Watchdogs Attack Google's Latitude

Google recently released a location-aware mobile application (Google Latitude) allowing the friends and family of a mobile phone user to track their location at all times. Not only is the location of the mobile user featured, but the application can ... also be used to contact them via SMS, Google Talk or Gmail. Now, Privacy International, a non-profit, British-based organization acting as a watchdog for surveillance invasions by governments and corporations has publicly blasted the application, calling it an "unnecessary danger to the security and privacy of a user". (Source: ... (view more)

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Google Earth 5 Beta Released

You may have thought Google extending its mapping services to cover the night skies the ultimate in its universal expansion. But you'd be wrong: now the Google Earth service is going underwater, on to Mars and even back in time. The newest edition, ... Google Earth 5, has just launched and includes detailed information about the oceans for the first time. Previous editions had simply shown a blue patch in the appropriate areas, with the only detail being darker shading to show the deeper points. Given that most of the world is underwater, that was something of an obstacle to a firm that's often ... (view more)

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'Boot Racer', and '57 Useful Google Tools'

Boot Racer BootRacer allows you to check your Windows boot speed and provides you with a 'boot rating'. If your computer boot time is less than one minute you will get an Excellent rating -- otherwise, you need to speed up your Windows boot! ... 57 Useful Google Tools If you're like most people, you use Google's products several times a day to search for information or check email. Most people don't know, however, how many useful tools Google have made research and time management much easier. Here are just a few of the products Google offers that may be worth trying ... (view more)

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'On-Site Computer Repair Kit', and 'Simply Google'

On-Site Computer Repair Kit Recently, a seasoned computer technician and business owner posted his list of what he brings to on-site computer repairs. His list is an excellent resource for beginners to help them start building their own kit and for ... experienced technicians to fill some holes in their own kits. Simply Google Simply Google summarizes all of Google's services, products, and pages on one single page, with links. For those people who don't have time to learn the shortcuts or create smart keywords, this site puts everything Google has to offer on one page. ... (view more)

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'Power User Guide To Google Chrome', and 'Exploring Time'

Power User Guide To Google Chrome Become a keyboard shortcut master, take a peek under Chrome's hood, and customize its behavior and skin with some of the best shortcuts, themes, add-ons, and functionality available for this fun and fascinating new ... browser from search giant Google. Exploring Time Exploring Time is a two-hour, prime-time television event that reveals the unseen world of natural change and probes the deep mysteries of time. Each and every day, whether we notice it or not, an endless current of change occurs without pause, flowing relentlessly on the river ... (view more)

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Google Adds Search Commenting

Google has unveiled technology that allows search users to customize their results and even post comments about particular sites for other users to read. However, the firm has dropped a separate unbranded search engine which it had been using to ... test out new features. The main feature of the new SearchWiki tool is a series of buttons which appears next to each result whenever you search while signed into a Google account (such as Gmail). The first, an arrow pointing upwards, allows you to move a site up the list of the results. (After doing so, you also then get the option to move it down ... (view more)

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Google and Apple Introduce Voice Recognition to iPhone

One of the most desirable features of the iPhone is its quickness via a mobile Internet connection. But how fast is the Apple iPhone? Users still have to take out the device, open up a search engine page and type out a desired question or keyword. ... This process may take several minutes, even with a hi-speed connection, because the pertinent information always seems to be buried under a sea of useless commentary. Wouldn't it be great if you could just ask the Internet a simple question and get a straight answer? Researchers at Google have added new technology in the latest iPhone software ... (view more)

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iPhone Voice Recognition Search App Can't Handle Accents

Think the iPhone is a fantastic new technology that should be celebrated the world 'round, not unlike Apple's iPod? Well, if you live in Britain (or perhaps any region other than North America) you may have trouble with one of its popular features. ... The iPhone includes a number of handy tools, including a touch screen, mp3 playback, video display, organizational utilities, and games. However, many fans in the US are particularly fond of a new iPhone tool: voice recognition-based search. Unfortunately, for those using the device in Britain the voice-recognition tool is struggling to compensate ... (view more)


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