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MS Bing 'Decision Engine' Official Launch Next Week

Microsoft has officially unveiled the replacement for its Live Search tool. However, the new instrument will be known as "Bing" rather than "Kumo," and is billed as a 'decision engine' rather than a search engine. The working name for the new ... service had been Kumo, but Microsoft eventually settled on Bing despite some problems trade marking the name. The firm appeared to be looking for an active name which could be used as both a verb and a noun, in the same way as 'to Google' has become another way of saying 'to search online'. As we've noted before, the main difference ... (view more)

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MS Kumo Engine to Embed Open Source Technology

Microsoft plans to roll out its new search engine code-named " Kumo " that reportedly improves search results by suggesting more targeted searches capable of bringing users closer to the information they seek. The Kumo team's technology reportedly ... uses open-source software if it's available . (Source: ) Kumo to Compete with Google's Storage Engine According to their blog , Kumo developer Powerset decided to turn to hadoop , a Lucene subproject that runs data-intensive applications on large clusters of commodity hardware. Unfortunately, there was no Hadoop equivalent to Google's ... (view more)

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Revamped MS Live Search to be Unveiled This Week

Microsoft will have a chance to prove that it can do everything Google can do (and supposedly better) when the company launches the revamped MS Live search engine in the next few days. Well, that's the rumor, at least. The new program will divide ... the results into different categories, making it easier for users to conduct Internet searches. The software boasts a left-side panel that lists the categories, past searches, and related queries. (Source: ) Public Reaction Confidential Apparently, Microsoft has started to test public reaction to the software in ultra-selective fashion. The ... (view more)

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Map The Fallen: Online, Interactive Memorial Tribute

Interested in helping honor fallen U.S. troops who gave their lives in its recent wars, but not sure how to do it? A new Google Earth tool helps people find local (and not so local) families as well as media related to those troops who have paid the ... ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's a worthy reminder that these wars are far from over. The new feature is called Map the Fallen , a new Google Earth layer released Sunday by Google engineer Sean Askay. It holds data on the 5,700-plus service members who have died during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The highly interactive ... (view more)

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'Internet Explorer Collection', and 'Google News Timeline'

Internet Explorer Collection Recommended for DEVELOPERS ONLY: Internet Explorer Collection contains multiple IE versions -- from IE 1.0 to 8.0 -- which are standalone so they can be used at the same time. Internet Explorer Collection also includes ... the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar 1.00.2188.0, providing a variety of tools which make troubleshooting (debugging) websites easier. Warning: we (at infopackets) do not recommend you use any IE browser older than today's current version (including the latest updates). Older versions of Internet Explorer (especially v5, v6 unpatched) are prone ... (view more)

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Google, Apple Board Members on FTC Collusion Watch

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating a pair of Google board members who fulfill similar roles with tech giant Apple. Such a set-up would be illegal if it in any way affects competition between the two companies. The investigation ... involves Google chief Eric Schmidt and fellow board member Arthur Levinson. Neither company, nor the FTC, have commented on the story, which recently broke through the New York Times. (Source: ) The FTC is reportedly looking into potential breaches of the 1914 Clayton Antitrust Act which bans people from sitting on the board of two ... (view more)

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Pirate Bay Verdict: Is Google Facilitating Piracy?

In the aftermath of the Pirate Bay verdict , many are now on the lookout for other forms of online piracy. Among the latest batch of uncovered copyright-snubbing websites is a Google-based search platform called Torrent Search. Want to watch a hot ... new theater release, but are unwilling to pay the price of admission? Type in the movie title on Torrent Search and you can be instantly directed to thousands of popular piracy websites. Google Fueling Pro-Piracy Campaigns While the search platform was probably not created by someone working for Google, seeing as how almost anyone can create a page ... (view more)

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Korea Celeb Suicides Prompt Law, YouTube Sidesteps

YouTube has blocked user uploads and comments in South Korea: the result of a new law which bars anonymous posting. However, there is an easy way around the ban, which makes the rules virtually worthless and could even help YouTube's business. Since ... April 1st, 2009, Korea's Cyber Defamation Law means any firm with more than 100,000 different daily users must verify their identity and receive an identification number. They must then post their name and number when uploading video clips or posting comments. Google Follows Letter, but not Spirit, of Law YouTube's owner Google has complied with ... (view more)

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HP Netbooks To Favor Google OS, Snub Microsoft

Rumors suggest that Hewlett-Packard (HP) is considering to use the Google Android operating system in their netbook computers . If the rumors are true, the Linux's 10 percent market share could grow faster than ever before. If the Linux-based ... operating system (OS) is considered the underdog in this battle, it should be noted that Linux is simply trying to reclaim the same figures that Microsoft once usurped. Some early netbook models offered a pre-installed Linux-based OS, but when Microsoft slashed the price of its Windows XP Home OS, Linux fell by the wayside. (Source: ) Now the ... (view more)

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Google Invests $100M in Startups Despite Recession

Google will invest a whopping $100 million in start-up companies over the next 12 months, and says a recession is an ideal time to invest in firms that could someday make it big. The money comes from a scheme titled Google Ventures, which aims to ... combine the firm's technical knowledge and financial resources with the creative ideas of new companies. The firm says it will focus on industries including "consumer Internet, software, clean-tech, bio-tech, health care" and others. (Source: and ) Google says there's no reason not to invest during an economic slowdown ... (view more)


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