
Dennis Faas's picture

Amazon Launches Buy-By-Text Scheme

Amazon has launched a new service allowing customers to buy products via their cell phones. Those who've tested it say the service works smoothly...but is a complete waste of time. The scheme works by allowing customers to text the name of a ... product, the ISBN (for books) or the Universal Product Code (the barcode number for other products) to 262966, which spells out Amazon on keypads. They then receive a text message back with the first two products that match the search and text either 1 or 2 to make their selection, or M for more options. First time users will then need to text the email ... (view more)

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Insert a Line Above Your Table in MS Word

You create a table in your document at the top of the page and it looks great! But now you or your superior decide that there should be text before the table. Not as easy as you thought it was going to be, is it? I know you tried clicking above the ... table, but it doesn't work, does it? Before you drive yourself batty trying to do it, or worse yet retype your text, let me show you how to resolve this maddening problem. I promise you that it is quick and easy. Follow the steps below: Click in the upper left cell of the table before the text. Then just hit the Enter key. Told you it was quick and ... (view more)

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Make Sure your Copied Text is Clean in MS Word

Many times we copy text from some place on the Internet and then blithely paste it into our half-finished Word document to complete a report for someone in our office. But now it doesn't look quite right and you cannot seem to edit it for some ... reason! That is because when you copy the text from a Web page or another document, you bring the source's formatting from what you copied into your document. Follow the steps below to prevent that from happening when you copy and paste text: Click in your document where you want to paste the text that you have just copied. Click on Edit | Paste | Paste ... (view more)

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AutoComplete in MS Word 2007

Recently a reader wrote to me with an query about AutoComplete in MS Word. Below is the query: "To insert today's date (and/or time) in Word 2007 you are supposed to be able to type the first four characters of the month and AutoComplete will assist ... you. This does not work for me. It is like AutoComplete is not tripped in my Word 2007. Also, when I click on Insert I find nowhere to insert the date from. I have to admit I am a fish out of water with MS Word 2007." -- Mark My reply: Well Mark, you are not the only person who feels like a fish out of water with this newest version of Word but ... (view more)

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Change The Angle Or Orientation Of Text In Excel 2007

You have no doubt seen spreadsheets and charts that had diagonal or vertical text, I am sure. If so, I am sure that you will agree that it is very impressive. It also will allow you to display more information in less space. You will be pleased to ... know that it is very easy to accomplish in Excel 2007. Follow the steps below to learn how: Launch MS Excel 2007 if it isn't already open. Type your text into a cell. Select the cell. On the Home tab of the Ribbon, find the Alignment group. In that group, you will see a button with an a and b and an arrow all on an angle. That is the Orientation ... (view more)

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Selecting Text Orientation for an Axis in Microsoft Graph: MS Word

When you are working with a Chart in MS Graph, you may sometimes want to change how text appears on an axis, such as changing the text from horizontal to vertical. Fortunately, MS Graph has made it easy to accomplish. Follow the steps below: Select ... the axis where you want to change the text. You can do this by clicking on the axis with your mouse. You can also right-click on the axis and select Format Axis. Choose Selected Axis from the Format menu. MS Graph will display the Format Axis dialog box. Be sure that the Alignment tab has been selected. Specify an orientation for the text in ... (view more)

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Split a Bulleted List Between Slides in MS PowerPoint

I don't know of a way to build in automatic overflow of text to a new slide in PowerPoint like you can do with text boxes in Word or in Publisher. However, once your presentation is designed, you can split a bullet list between two slides. Follow ... the steps below to split up a bulleted list in your PowerPoint presentation: In Normal view, switch to the Outline tab. Move the insertion point where you want to split the text. Press Enter. For this to work, you must have your AutoCorrect option set properly. From the main menu choose Tools | AutoCorrect. In the AutoFormat As You Type tab, find the ... (view more)

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Using Negative Indents in MS Word

One really cool way to make your headings stand out from the rest of your text is to offset them to the left of the body text margin. This is called a hanging heading. With a hanging heading, a reader can quickly scan the left margin of your ... document and see how it is organized. One way to create a hanging heading is to indent the heading line by a negative number, which moves the heading text into the margin. Follow the steps below to learn how: Click on the line containing the heading Choose Format | Paragraph. Indents and Spacing Tab. Under Indentation, enter a negative number in the Left ... (view more)

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Using Format Painter Sans the Mouse: MS Word

Format Painter is a multi-step process. You select the text whose format you want to use, then click the Format Painter button. That copies the format to the clipboard and your mouse cursor changes into a vertical line with a paint brush symbol. ... Swipe your mouse across the text you want to apply the format to, and when you release the mouse, the copied format is applied. Follow the steps below to simulate these steps with keyboard shortcuts in Word 2002, 2003, and 2007: Select the text whose format you want to copy. Press Ctrl + Shift + C. Select the text whose format you want to change to ... (view more)

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Split a Bulleted List Between PowerPoint Slides

I don't know of a way to build in automatic overflow of text to a new slide in PowerPoint. However, once your presentation is designed, you can split a bullet list between two slides. Follow the steps below to split up a bulleted list in your ... PowerPoint presentation: In Normal view, switch to the Outline tab. Move the insertion point where you want to split the text. Press Enter. For this to work, you must have your AutoCorrect option set properly. From the main menu choose Tools | AutoCorrect Options. In the AutoFormat As You Type tab, find the Apply As You Type section. Un-check the AutoFit ... (view more)


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