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MySpace and Google Join Forces

On Monday,'s parent company, Fox Interactive Media (owned by News Corp) announced a newly launched deal with Google that will give the search engine exclusive rights to online search results and sponsored ads on the MySpace web ... community. The deal also gives Google the same access to Fox Interactive Media's other online enterprises such as and (Source: ) Agreement Stipulations The agreement stipulates that in exchange for being Fox Interactive's exclusive search engine and ad provider, Google will pay $900 million U.S. from its AdSense ... (view more)

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Microsoft and Google Want to Heal You: New Health Services Rumoured

The next theatre of war for Google and Microsoft might be a realm previously and popularly unassociated with information technology: healthcare and medicine. Amidst rumors that Google is strongly considering the release of a Health search and/or ... service, Microsoft is apparently closing in on a constructive build of its Windows Live Healthcare. The exact message for the Redmond-based company is still unclear, as Microsoft executives, including corporate vice president of Health Solutions Peter Neupert, remain very hush when it comes to details. (Source: ) For months, both ... (view more)

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Search and Suffer: Imitation Google Page Threatens with Trojan

It appears as though a rather clever imitation of Google's toolbar download is infecting thousands of innocent users with a Trojan horse. Looking almost exactly like the original Google downloads page, those who request files from the imitation site ... are finding their systems loaded with W32.Ranky.FW. The Trojan turns any unlucky PC into a raving automaton, spreading itself by simply requesting recipients of spam emails to follow a suggested link. The problem was first discovered by online rent-a-cops at Surfcontrol, who have since declared that the Trojan horse program is far from perfect in ... (view more)

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The Google Hate Speech Incident

Is the FBI poking around your e-mail? Randall C. Ashby II used his Google Mail (Gmail) account to distribute hate speech -- and that was all the feds needed to investigate him. On May 22nd, 2006, Ashby signed up for Gmail and sent a threatening ... message to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The NAACP immediately forwarded the offensive letter to the FBI. Here's a transcript of Ashby's e-mail: Warning: The following quote contains disturbing content! "You are no match for our numbers and our power. We will come out of the night and rise from the dirt to ... (view more)

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A Search Engine For The Blind: Google Unveils Accessible Web Search

Google has just unveiled Accessible Web Search , a search engine for the visually-challenged. Here's how it works: Regular Google sorts search results primarily by how relevancy, but Accessible Search takes it a step further by also listing pages ... will that will be easy for the blind to navigate. To meet Google's Accessible Web Search criteria, a web Site has to be "visually simple." That means it should contain few images, work well even if those images are turned off, and can be navigated primarily with a keyboard. (Source: ) Before Google Accessible Web Search, searching the ... (view more)

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Top 10 Sites That Have Changed The Internet ... For Me

I was thinking about how far the internet has come since I started blogging a few years ago (over yonder at Blogger back then), and decided it was time to show some love for the websites that I wonder how I ever lived without. I know I've left great ... sites out, so it's up to you to fill in the blanks. Anyway, without further ado, here are the top 10 websites that have changed the internet for me: 1. Google. For me, Google = Internet. What good would the net be without this search engine? Google is so ubiquitous, that we sometimes forget about it. It's just the search box, right? No! It's the ... (view more)

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'Google Sketchup', and 'Time Line'

Google Sketchup SketchUp is a simple but powerful tool for quickly and easily creating, viewing and modifying your 3D ideas. Click on a shape and push or pull it to create your desired 3D geometry. Experiment with color and texture directly on your ... model. Real-time shadow casting lets you see exactly where the sun falls as you model. Select from thousands of pre-drawn components to save time drawing. Time Line Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for visualizing time-based events. It is like Google Maps for time-based information. (view more)

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Meet the 'Gdrive': Google's New Online Hard Drive?

Rumors from the tech world recently suggest that the search engine giant Google is testing an online hard drive, affectionately known as "Gdrive". Although still very experimental (and at this time unconfirmed), the Gdrive would act as a treasure ... chest for client files, essentially freeing up space on a user's computer and accelerating processing speed. For now, "Gdrive" remains the name given by Google's fans, those most excited about the potential project. In reality, it appears the project is codenamed "Platypus", according the one blog investigator who apparently stumbled across the Web ... (view more)

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Free Movies, Documentaries, Sports, and More Now Available on Google

A new message is now appearing on Google's video Web site: "You can now watch selected videos for free -- thanks to our sponsors. These videos usually sell from $0.99 to $14.99." That's good news for net addicts with a few hours to kill. The service ... features full-length movies, documentaries, sports, cartoons, talk shows, and professional wrestling matches. (Source: ) You won't find Casablanca, the Super Bowl, or WrestleMania -- but there should be something among Google's sponsored videos to tickle your fancy. Besides, as the old saying goes, "free is free." You're probably ... (view more)

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Google Spreadsheets

In early June, Google launched its free online spreadsheet program to beta testers. Some say the release of the web-based spreadsheet is a sign of Google's increased exploration into the sector of office software that is currently dominated by ... Microsoft. (Source: ) The spreadsheet service is available to public now that Google has purchased web-based word processing application, "Writely," which delivers an online simulation of a word processor. How it Works Deemed as the "The Web Word Processor", Writely allows users to import Microsoft Word documents along with ... (view more)


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