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Security Experts Fearful of Win7 Browser Ballot

The Microsoft " browser ballot ," which is meant to promote fair competition amongst web browsers by offering choices aside from Internet Explorer (IE), will debut via an update March 1. However, at least one security company is warning that the ... process could open doors for hackers to attack. For those unaware of the browser ballot, it's Microsoft's response to accusations by the European Union that the software company's traditional bundling of Internet Explorer with its Windows operating systems was a violation of antitrust laws. Thus, Microsoft agreed that it would eventually offer users ... (view more)

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'Network Windows Live MovieMaker', and 'OkMap'

Network Windows Live MovieMaker Windows Live MovieMaker is a good tool for creating videos in Windows 7, however, one problem is it doesn't allow you to import videos directly from network locations. How-To Geek explains how to perform a quick ... registry hack that will enable network support. OkMap OkMap is interactive software which allows you to work on your computer screen with digital maps that you have either bought or scanned. OkMap lets you organize paths by creating waypoints, routes and tracks on your computer monitor, and upload this data to your GPS. http:// ... (view more)

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Is Windows 7 More Secure Than Apple's Snow Leopard?

A new ethical hacking contest, called "Pwn2Own" is set to get under way this coming March 24, 2010, with awards of $100,000 in prize money. Predictions on which operating systems will be first to fall prey to hackers are already being heard; ... according to the event's organizer, the speediest, easiest hack will almost surely be on Mac's new Snow Leopard. Fundamental Beliefs: Mac Vs PC Security For years, it's been said that one of the main reasons why consumers have purchased Macs is because of the popular belief that Mac computers are more secure than PCs running MS Windows. Many ... (view more)

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MS to Crack Down on Pirated Win7 with Toolkit Release

Microsoft is releasing a set of tools aimed at detecting and undoing attempts to bypass Windows 7 anti-piracy checks. It's mostly meant for corporate networks, but the release is also intended as a security warning. The toolset is an update for ... Windows Activation Technologies, one of the systems which checks that a copy of Windows 7 is legitimate. The update will search for and eliminate 70 known tactics for attempting to bypass these checks. (Source: ) Microsoft Touts Antipiracy Tools Obviously, anyone who is knowingly using a pirated copy of Windows 7 is not going to ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Dubbed 'Windows.Next,' Details Leaked

A Microsoft blogger recently posted a description of Windows 7's successor, internally codenamed as Windows.Next, otherwise known as Windows 8. The post, however, appears to have been removed from Microsoft's Development Network (MSDN) website at ... the time of this writing. Rumor: Windows Kernel Overhauled The post claims that the "minimum that folks can take for granted is that the next version will be something completely different from what folks usually expect of Windows." It also says that the "themes that have been floated truly reflect what people have been looking for years ... (view more)

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MS Rejects Claims that Win7 Causes Faulty Batteries

Late last week, a number of Windows 7 users lit up Microsoft's TechNet forums with complaints that they were experiencing a dramatic decline in the battery lives of their laptop computers after upgrading from XP or Vista to Windows 7. In a recent ... statement, however, Microsoft denies the charge and has stressed that these issues are strictly hardware-related. Windows 7 Not Poisoning Batteries In some cases, un-tethered notebook PCs were going into hibernation or shutdown mode after an incredibly short period of time, leaving recent Windows 7 adopters wondering if the operating system (OS) was ... (view more)

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Black Hat Hackers Conference Confirms New IE Flaw

Microsoft has confirmed a flaw in Internet Explorer could be used by hackers to access the files on a user's computer. The flaw was demonstrated at a security conference this week. The man who discovered the flaw, Jorge Luis Alvarez Medina of Core ... Security Technologies, says that so far as he can tell, it's not something which can be easily patched. The good news is that Windows Vista and Windows 7 both have default options for Internet Explorer which can block the problem. Medina first noted the existence of the flaw last week, but held back details until this week's Black Hat Conference. ... (view more)

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Apple iPad to Support Virtual Windows 7

When a traditional PC user takes his or her first glance at the new Apple iPad : two questions might come to mind: first, "is that design going to work?" and second -- "do I have to use Mac OS X?" Thanks to a company called Citrix Systems, the ... resounding answer, it would appear, is 'no'. According to reports, the company will be bringing a version of Windows 7 to the Apple iPad by route of virtual installation when the much-anticipated device is released later this spring. iPad Display, Resolution Ideal for Virtual Win7 In a blog post earlier this week, Citrix Systems' ... (view more)

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Win7 Upgrade: Battery Life Reduced, False Warnings

Laptop owners who upgrade their Windows XP and Windows Vista machines to Windows 7 are complaining that Microsoft's new operating system (OS) is severely reducing their available battery life. Many users are voicing complaints on Microsoft's TechNet ... forums that after upgrading their notebooks, battery life is dropping from two hours to a half hour. (Source: ) The problem appears to be caused by a new tool Microsoft designed to alert users when their battery needs to be replaced. According to some of the TechNet posts, the alert appears time and time again, even as a battery ... (view more)

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Experts: New Win7 Security Also Brings New Threats

Security firm Sophos tells PC World that two security measures introduced in Windows Vista and expanded in Windows 7 have had a marked effect on levels of infection on computers. Nevertheless, several online security professionals have reminded ... users of Windows 7 that while the new operating system (OS) offers enhanced security over its predecessors, it's not invulnerable. They note that human vulnerabilities will always leave people at risk to hackers. Two New Security Features Mark Improvements Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) partially randomizes the order in which data is stored ... (view more)


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