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US Army Launches Its Take On YouTube

The American armed forces have launched their own video-sharing site. TroopTube is designed to allow military personnel and their loved ones to exchange messages without the drawbacks of mainstream sites such as YouTube. The move follows a decision ... last year to block overseas military sites from accessing a dozen of the leading online video sites. That wasn't down to content concerns; rather military bosses felt streaming video was too much of a burden on the network links between the US and foreign bases. It was rumoured that at one stage the bandwidth was so clogged that it affected the ... (view more)

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Obama To Take Fireside Chats Online

Barack Obama recently published a YouTube video response to George Bush's weekly Presidential address to the nation. It appears Obama will use the video-sharing site as a regular means of communication once he enters the White House. Each week, ... President Bush, like all holders of office, delivers an official address to the United States public via the radio. The opposition party traditionally delivers an official response, usually with a different speaker each week. Obama delivered the Democratic response in the usual audio format, but his organization also filmed the response, which now ... (view more)

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'GPU Caps Viewer', and 'Create Video Card Profiles'

GPU Caps Viewer GPU Caps Viewer is an OpenGL graphics card utility for Windows XP and Vista (32/64-bit). This tool offers quick view of the graphics configuration, display of the main OpenGL capabilities, display of the OpenGL extensions supported ... by your graphics card, or even the display of all existing OpenGL extensions. Create Video Card Profiles The following article is a guide to create profiles for the installed video card to optimize it for different applications, namely working on the desktop and gaming. The problem with running a video card in Windows is that ... (view more)

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'Wireshark', and 'Video Cache View'

Wireshark Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions. Wireshark has a rich feature set that makes it a must-have tool. ... Video Cache View After watching a video on a web site, you may want to save the video file into your local disk for playing it offline in the future. If the video file is stored in your browser's cache, this utility can help you to extract it from the cache and save it for future viewing. Today's fresh software ... (view more)

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'MonitorInfoView', and 'Video 4 Web Converter'

MonitorInfoView MonitorInfoView is a small utility that displays essential information about your monitor: manufacture week/year, monitor manufacturer, monitor model, supported display modes, and more... The information is extracted from the EDID ... ("Extended display identification data") records stored on your computer. You can also view the monitor information of multiple computers on your network, if you login to these computers with administrator rights. Video4Web Converter A totally free video to flash video converter, Video4Web Converter offers an excellent solution ... (view more)

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'Translate.Net', and 'Video Cube'

Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software descriptions are provided solely from the developer and are absent from any guarantee or warranty. You are encouraged to ... review the Shell Extension Software Policy for more details. Translate.Net The Translate.Net will help you translate words and phrases to and from numerous languages in a simple way. This free, open-source software works as a client to most popular translating services available online (translators, monolingual and bilingual dictionaries). http:// ... (view more)

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Wow! Ashampoo Burning Studio 8!

Update June 2, 2009: REDUCED!!!! Ashampoo Burning Studio 8, only $19.49! -- I've got some *very* exciting news to share today! The folks over at Ashampoo sent me a friendly email this week to announce that the full version of Ashampoo Burning Studio ... 8 -- their flagship, simple-to-use, feature rich CD / DVD recording program -- is finally available! Well, that may not sound too exciting, but read on -- because you won't want to miss this one! Ashampoo: Deal of the Century In order to celebrate the release of this amazing program, the company is offering a massive and extremely generous ... (view more)

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Start-Up Company Turns Everyday People Into LIVE TV Stars

Have you ever wanted to star in your very own television show? Thanks to the rising popularity of YouTube, it seems as if everyone has their own online show, complete with all the copying, deleting and editing that goes into production. But, have ... you ever wanted to star in your very own LIVE television show? Complete with no script, no rules, absolutely LIVE as it happens? If you own a cell phone, get ready for your close-up! It's inevitable now; every mobile phone will soon have a cellular video camera installed in it. While still in its infancy stage,, a small start-up company based ... (view more)

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Google Streamlines Ads On Video

Google has added one more method of advertising, as it continues to seek new sources of ad revenue. The question is whether the new technique -- AdSense for Video -- will fare any better than the previous concepts. The newly-minted AdSense for Video ... will provider advertisers a means to overlay video or text ads on a video viewer. The ads will be dynamic, rotating every 20 seconds and will be matched with the content of the video or web page being viewed. (Source: ) The assumption is that the rapidly growing interest in online video and Google's ownership of YouTube justifies the ... (view more)

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British Courts Still Targeting Manhunt Game

Rockstar Games have failed in yet another bid to get the controversial Manhunt 2 video game on British shelves. A High Court judge has ruled that the game must go back to an appeals committee for a fresh evaluation. The game was first banned in the ... United Kingdom last June when the British Board of Film Classifications (BBFC), which gives movie-style age ratings to video games, refused to give it a rating. This meant it could not legally be sold, the first such ban in 10 years. (Source: ) At the time, the BBFC's director said the game's focus on violent killings was too strong. " ... (view more)


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