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Evernote Used to Deliver Malware: Report

Security firm Trend Micro says it has discovered a malicious software program that employs online notepad service Evernote as a communications tool. Evernote is a cloud-based note-taking software utility that allows users to place "notes, web clips, ... files and images ... on every device and computer." (Source: ) That means you can make a note about a recently-discovered favorite wine on your smartphone and have that note instantly show up on your home computer. Unfortunately, it seems this handy little program has been exploited by cyber-crooks. Evernote Used to Communicate with ... (view more)

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Malware Targets Credit Card Data on Checkout PCs

Security firm McAfee says it has discovered a new type of malware designed to steal credit card data from point-of-sale (POS) computer systems. The malware is of the Trojan horse variety and is being called 'vSkimmer'. Point-of-sale systems, or ... checkout systems, are the computers used in retail environments. Malware Communicates Credit Card Data to Hackers McAfee security researcher Chintan Shah reported on the vSkimmer threat in a recent blog post. According to Shah, the malware was discovered in mid-February 2013 and is currently being discussed on cybercriminal forums. (Source: ... (view more)

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Web-Wide Scan Reveals Shocking Security Weaknesses

In one of the most spectacular research projects ever carried out online, an anonymous security researcher has scanned the entire Internet for security holes. They found that millions of devices have no password protection whatsoever. The project ... was simple in concept: the researcher tried to contact and then access devices by trying every possible IP (Internet Protocol) address using IPv4, a system by which every device connected to the Internet uses 12 digits as identification. This means that IPv4 allows for a maximum of around 4.2 billion IP addresses. The researcher tried to contact ... (view more)

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Bill Gates' Personal Data Exposed by Hackers

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has had his credit information exposed by hackers. It's only the latest in a string of similar attacks launched against celebrities in recent weeks. According to reports, Gates' personal financial information was ... acquired by hackers and then shared online. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is currently trying to figure out how the data was accessed and who was responsible for the attack. Somewhat ironically, the attack occurred on the same day that Bill Gates discussed pressing cyber security threats with the Washington Post newspaper. Security Answers Found ... (view more)

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Hacked GPS Apps Could Cause Traffic Jams: Report

A new study has found that hackers have the ability to cause real-time traffic jams, even in areas many miles from their location. The threat could affect the millions of people who rely on global positioning systems. Among the most prolific systems ... targeted by hackers is Google Maps, a service that offers turn-by-turn navigation using information from a mobile phone to analyze real-time traffic data. All location information sent to the individual is secured by a TLS (Transport Layer Security) system to protect the integrity of the data and make it impossible for a hacker to orchestrate an ... (view more)

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Patch Tuesday: 'Critical' Fixes for IE, Office

Microsoft is reportedly planning to release seven security fixes as part of its monthly Patch Tuesday update. The update includes fixes for four "critical" security flaws. The March Patch Tuesday's seven fixes, four of which are marked "critical" -- ... Microsoft's highest security rating -- represents a decrease from February Patch Tuesday , when Microsoft issued roughly a dozen fixes designed to address almost sixty vulnerabilities. Internet Explorer Vulnerable to Drive-By Attacks Nevertheless, there are some important fixes for Microsoft users this time around. The most important is being ... (view more)

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myIDkey: Voice-Activated Password Protection

A new 'Kickstarter' project is getting a whole lot of attention from PC security experts. That's because the device attached to the project 'myIDkey' is a USB stick that effectively protects a user's passwords by using cutting-edge security ... technologies. Kickstarter is an online funding and investment service that allows everyday people to invest in ideas they like. The company behind a product establishes an investment goal and if enough people contribute and that firm reaches its goal, it gets to use the cash towards developing the new product. Those who invest get a share in the new ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture Visitors Exposed to Malicious Software

According to reports, was hacked late last week. The hackers bypassed security and then spread malicious software designed to steal bank account information from site visitors. It wasn't just the main site that was affected, either. ... Reports indicate that sub-sites, including sites dedicated to the Jimmy Fallon and Jay Leno late night shows, were also affected by the hack. Security experts say that hackers modified the site so that it would serve up an 'iframe,' which is a method of adding content to a site from a distant domain. In this case, the iframe effectively ... (view more)

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Chinese Military Linked to Recent US Security Hacks

A security firm claims a Chinese military unit is responsible for mass-scale hacking targeting the United States and other Western powers. Mandiant says the Chinese government is not only aware of the hacking but may even be funding it. ... Virginia-based Mandiant says the hacking group is known online as both the "Comment Crew" and the "Shanghai Group". Mandiant says that this group is a unit within the People's Liberation Army of China. Mandiant suggests that a 12-story building in Shanghai is the hacking unit's headquarters. (Source: ) Secret Document Points to ... (view more)

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Facebook Hackers Use 'Watering Hole' Tactic

Facebook has confirmed it was attacked by someone using a particularly sophisticated hacking technique. It says it doesn't appear the hackers were able to access any user data, but the site says it is taking the issue very seriously. The hackers ... didn't use the direct approach favored by many would-be attackers who either try to simply access a website's public servers, or send bogus emails to staff in the hope of tricking them into opening infected attachments. Hackers Lay Trap for Developers Instead, the hackers breached security at an external website used by developers of mobile ... (view more)


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