
Dennis Faas's picture

Will Yahoo Help Microsoft Slay the Google Monster?

Microsoft is hoping that its acquisition of Yahoo will help it gain ground on the advertising and search front, and adding Yahoo's 500 million users to its base. But assuming that Jerry Yang and Co. yield to the Redmond giant, will it be enough? The ... New York Times recently ran a picture depicting the Microsoft and Google as two large sharks consuming everything in their path: aQuantive, DoubleClick, and MultiMap. Then there are the smaller exclusivity agreements with prominent tech companies such as The Wall Street Journal and Facebook for Microsoft, and Google's deals with MySpace, Fox, and ... (view more)

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Advent of the 'Social Search'

Israeli-based Delver is looking to use social networking profiles as the basis for returning relevant Internet searches. The idea is simple enough; a user logs into the search engine and allows access to personal information on sites like ..., LinkedIn and Flickr. The system then creates a custom made search pattern based on profiles, tags from your friend's, blogs, and any other available information on social sites. Instead of the traditional text results page, Delver's search engine (called Semingo) displays your search in a web-like graphic, with information built on you and your ... (view more)

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Limit Searches to a Column in MS Excel

Many of us have and use MS Excel Worksheets that accumulate more and more data over time. Pretty soon you will find yourself mucking about in all of that data, trying to search for something specific. We all know that we can search in MS Excel by ... using CTRL + F to display the Find tab of the Find and Replace dialog box and do a search of the entire worksheet. If you want to place a limit on your search, however, there is another way to do this. Follow the steps below: Select the range you want to search before you press CTRL + F. Perhaps you only want to search a specific column in your ... (view more)

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Can a Guy Named Jimmy Wales Kill Google?

Along comes Jimmy Wales with a $4 million (not billion) investment from Bessemer Ventures, an investment from Amazon of an undisclosed amount, and some private money from a handful of angel investors that include Marc Andreesen (cofounder of ... Netscape), Josh Kopelman (, Mitch Kapor (Lotus), and Ron Conway (an early investor in Google, PayPal and Ask Jeeves). And while no one knows the exact amount of funding that Jimmy has received, it's probably safe to guess that, altogether, it's less than $100 million. In a relatively short span of technology history, Google has achieved revenues ... (view more)

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'Google Microsoft Search', and 'Hide Folder'

Google Microsoft Search Search just Microsoft-related sites using Google's famous engine. Hide Folder The free Hide Folder is computer security software meant to help hide your private files. Others will not know ... where your personal files exist and they will not be able to accidentally view them. You can hide folders simply with a few mouse clicks. Hide Folder is protected by a password that you can change or remove at any time. (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture Offers Secret Searching

The Ask.Com search engine now offers users the ability to search without any records being collected. Anyone using the site can, with just two clicks, make sure details such as their IP address (which identifies the particular computer they are ... using) and the phrase they are searching for are not stored by the site. (Source: ) The service is titled AskEraser. Some critics have noted that the name is slightly misleading; rather than erasing data, it simply makes sure the information is never written in the first place. It only applies to future searches and it isn't possible to ... (view more)

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What Crap Did We Search for This Year?

So, who is it that we can't get enough of while surfing the worldwide web? Whose life, what toys, and which topics pique our interests the most? It's no surprise that Americans are obsessed with celebrity and celebrities. That's why it may not be ... particularly shocking to hear that 2007's most searched term was none other than 'Britney Spears', the blonde Louisianan who went from dorm room poster queen to bearing the brunt of international snickers over the course of one really poor life decision. Let's face it, Spears has become that highway accident we can't bear to miss. Funny thing is, in ... (view more)

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Google Earth: Can it Find You?

Could Google Earth's privacy-invading tendencies save your life? Maybe one day, but right now the Internet search leader is on the lookout for missing people. Renowned aviator Steve Fossett is currently on the search list. The pilot disappeared over ... the Nevada desert after taking off in a small plane early last week. Two days later Google became involved in the case when his friend, British billionaire Richard Branson, proposed that Fossett be located through the company's satellite mapping service. Branson said "I'm talking with friends at Google about seeing whether we can look at satellite ... (view more)

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'Hacking Firefox: The Secrets Of About:Config', and 'File Search'

Hacking Firefox: The Secrets Of About:Config Many of Firefox's settings aren't exposed through the Tools -& Options menu; the only way to change them is to edit them manually. In this article, we'll explore some of the most useful Firefox ... settings that you can change on your own and that aren't normally available through the program's graphical interface. File Search This application allows one to search files on your computer fast using rules very similar to those used in popular Internet search engines. It is possible to not only list words or parts of ... (view more)

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Google Competitor On the Way?

The European Union's executive branch has approved a grant of 120 million euros (about $166 million US) to help fund the German government's next-generation Internet search engine, code-named Theseus. (Source: ) The grant will be ... distributed among different companies, including SAP AG and Siemens AG, as they begin research on the Theseus project. The project aims to develop "new search technologies for the next generation Internet," including "semantic technologies which try to recognize the meaning of content and place it in its proper context." Semantic technologies are ... (view more)


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