
Dennis Faas's picture

'Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4 Build 372', and 'wPrime 2.05'

Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4 Build 372 Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK) is a free live Linux distribution that aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues. It has an easy to use ... scrollable text menu that allows anyone who masters a keyboard and some English to perform maintenance and repair on a computer. wPrime 2.05 wPrime 2.05 is a great, new multi-threaded benchmark tool for x86 processors. It conveniently tests your processor performance by calculating square roots with a recursive call of Newton's ... (view more)

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'Jude', and 'System Rescue Cd'

Jude A complete desktop environment on a USB stick. J.U.D.E. is a Windows environment with all of the applications you need for day to day computer use, including: Office Suite (Open Office), Graphics Editor (GIMP), Email (Thunderbird), Web Browser ... (Firefox), Instant Messenger (GAIM), and many more. System Rescue Cd SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM for repairing and recovering data after a crash. It aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing partitions of the hard disk. It contains a lot ... (view more)

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'Shell Enhancer', and 'System Rescue Cd'

Shell Enhancer ShellEnhancer is an application designed to enhance the default shell of Windows and to make your life easier. ShellEnhancer includes two types of taskswitcher (Enhanced TaskSwitcher and Mosaic TaskSwitcher) which you can use to ... replace the default Windows Alt+Tab taskswitcher. The Enhanced TaskSwitcher supports live previews. ShellEnhancer allows you to make your own tasks. Tasks consist of a number of commands which get executed one after the other. Available commands include: insert text, send keystroke, manipulate windows, run program, start screensaver, lock workstation ... (view more)

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'Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar', and 'Drive Rescue'

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar From Microsoft, the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar provides a variety of tools for quickly creating, understanding, and troubleshooting Web pages. This version is a preview release and behavior may change in ... the final release. Drive Rescue Drive Rescue is a program for exploring your hard disk, and locating lost files on it. The idea for this program originated from processing a disk with Scandisk which suddenly contains "no data." Since off-the-shelf Windows methods could not recover any data in this type of scenario ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

System Rescue CD for Windows Users?

Infopackets Reader 'Robin' writes: " Dear Dennis, Regarding yesterday's Shell Extension City pick labeled ' SystemRescueCd ': According to the write-up, I understand that this particular rescue disc is (and I quote) 'a Linux system.' Question: does ... this mean that this is a rescue system for Windows XP that operates under Linux or is it a rescue system for people running Linux on their PC? I hope you understand what I mean. I'm confused! " My response: I was also very interested in this Shell Extension City pick, so I downloaded it and burned it onto a rewriteable disc. The answer to your ... (view more)

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'System Rescue Cd', and 'Elegant Universe'

System Rescue Cd SystemRescueCd is a linux system you put on a bootable cdrom for repairing your system and your data after a crash. It also aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing the ... partitions of the hard disk. It contains a lot of system utilities (such as: parted, partimage, and fstools) and basic ones (such as: editors, midnight commander, and network tools). It aims to be very easy to use: just boot from the cdrom, and you can do everything. The kernel of the system supports most important file systems (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, ... (view more)

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'Partition Rescue', and 'Rip'

Partition Rescue Partition Rescue backs up your disk's partition system to floppy disk. If your disk's partition system gets damaged you can restore it by booting your system using this rescue disk. It can recover your disk from damaged partition ... table, missing partitions, virus attack etc. Rip Rip is a Firefox extension that provides the ability to point at and remove permanently any unwanted content from a web page. (view more)

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'Drive Rescue', and 'The Jargon File'

Drive Rescue Drive Rescue is a program for exploring your hard disk, and locating lost files on it. The idea for this program originated from processing a disk with Scandisk -- which suddenly contained no data. Since off-the-shelf Windows methods ... could not recover any of it, this program was successfully created, to find important information of the file system, to look for lost data and to restore it. The Jargon File This document is a collection of slang terms used by various subcultures of computer hackers. Though some technical material ... (view more)

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A freeware data recovery program: a follow-up

With regards to the last issue of the Infopackets Gazette which informed our users of a Data Recovery program called Drive Rescue , I wrote a comment: " If you accidentally delete a file, don't write anything else to your hard drive -- even if you ... are attempting to install Data Recovery software in the first place! Otherwise, the drive may overwrite the area of the data you're attempting to retrieve, making the rescue operation impossible. " Denise R. wrote in with a response to the above comment: " I have Drive Rescue on a floppy for use in recovering files on the C: drive; ... (view more)

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