
Dennis Faas's picture

Electronic Mail: What Is It?

Just about everyone who surfs the Web has an email account any more. Most of the Internet Service Providers on the 'net have a set of mailboxes they provide their customers, but the software they provide for folk to get to their email account ... sometimes does not provide the tools needed to effectively use their email Inboxes. There are several "email Clients" available that we be presenting. Before we get to that, there is some information you need to know to be able to select the best fit for your use. First we need to define what and where a client and server are. An email client is the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture


Flaming is the act of posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting, usually in the social context of a discussion board (usually on the Internet). Such messages are called flames, and are sometimes posted in response to flamebait. ... Flaming is one of a class of economic problems known as The Tragedy of the Commons, when a group holds a resource (in this case, communal attention), but each of the individual members has an incentive to overuse it. Although the trading of insults is as old as time itself, flaming on the Internet, like many other online 'actions', started in the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture


Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail or email , is a method of composing, sending, and receiving messages over electronic communication systems. The term email applies both to the Internet email system based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ... (SMTP) and to workgroup collaboration systems allowing users within one company or organization to send messages to each other. Often workgroup collaboration systems natively use non-standard protocols but have some form of gateway to allow them to send and receive internet email. Some organizations may use the internet protocols for internal email ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

The Best way to Deal with Spam?

Is spam on the rise or have spammers found a new way to become extra-annoying? Infopackets Reader Max E. writes: " Thanks again for the great web site and excellent help! My problem today is with Spam (unsolicited bulk email). How can I send ... something back to the spammers? Every time I log on I get some 50 to 90 spams and it wastes my time having to deal with these annoying messages. I have tried to send the spammers an email asking them to remove me from the list, but my messages always come back undeliverable. Please help! " My response: This is the fourth complaint this week I've ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Message Tag: Status Review

Have you ever sent an email to someone and wondered if your message was opened by the recipient? Yesterday, Infopackets Reader Brian 'BigJohn2' asked if I knew of a program which could do just that. After some prodding and poking around Google, I ... came across a program called MsgTag [Message Tag]. In a nutshell, MsgTag works by injecting a traceable object into outgoing emails. When the message is opened by the recipient, MsgTag alerts the sender with an email receipt that the message has been read. As I discussed briefly in yesterday's article, there are 3 different flavors of Message Tag. I ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

ClipCache Plus Review

If you have an e-mail address, you probably also have at least one 'forwarding friend' to e-mail every joke, urban myth, and karma-building novelty message in circulation. If you don't have a forwarding friend, chances are, you are the forwarding ... friend. Don't get me wrong -- there's no shame in forwarding jokes, stories, and other bits of textual entertainment. There are, however, 3 Golden Email Etiquette Rules one must follow when forwarding messages, and they are: Remove all '>' or '|' tags before sending the message. They make jokes hard to read and they bloat the message size, making ... (view more)

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Disable Internet Explorer Script Debugging messages

A few days ago I received a question which pertains to Internet Explorer Script Debugging messages. I get asked this question a lot, so I thought it would be worth mentioning in the newsletter. Infopackets Reader 'Grumble' asks: " I'm running ... Windows XP with a high-speed Cable Internet connection. When I sign on to AIM [AOL Instant Messenger], I keep getting an error message from Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer Script Error Line 77 Char: 1 Error: Library not registered Code: 0. Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? I have been running aim for several months and this ... (view more)


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