laser printer

Dennis Faas's picture

Online Holiday Shopping? Read Dennis' Top 10 Recommendations

With over 30 years in computing experience, I'm often asked my opinion about computer hardware. Questions like, "What can I do to speed up my computer?", or "What type of laptop should I buy?" and things of that nature. Like anyone else, I love a ... good deal. In order to find the best deal possible, sometimes I spend an entire day shopping online to compare prices and features of similar components. Unfortunately, many of the "recommendations" I've read recently appear to be forged for the sake of making a sale, which means there's an awful lot of time wasted wading through ... (view more)

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HP Printers Susceptible to Online Attack

Many of us update our software or install the latest antivirus programs to reduce the chances of becoming the victims of a hacker. But is it possible for our hardware components to entice hackers as well? Hewlett-Packard recently issued a warning to ... select laser printer owners urging them to update the firmware of their devices or risk the prospect of leaving themselves open to a malicious attack. In a public advisory, HP warned that certain laser printers are confirmed to have been affected, including 10 different LaserJet models (ranging from the 2410 to the 9050 models), two Color LaserJet ... (view more)

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The Quiet Killer in Your Office

Here's a new and yet very odd tech threat: the particles emitted by your office printer. According to an Australian research team associated with the Queensland University of Technology, these tiny airborne particles, which waft outwards from laser ... printers, can cause health problems including: respiratory issues cardiovascular irritation various types of cancer Unfortunately, researchers remain uncertain exactly what chemicals within the particles directly affect the human body. However, they have some vital tips for ensuring the long-term health of workers who consistently use laser ... (view more)

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