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Microsoft Bing to use 'Personalized Search' Technology

Reports suggest that Microsoft is planning to invest a vast amount of their resources in helping to make the Bing search engine a more "personalized experience" for its users. The new direction is further proof that Microsoft is serious in ... challenging Google's stranglehold on the search engine market. Memory Recollection and Geographic Location The "personalized experience" is centered around two concepts: memory recollection and geographic location. The memory recollection feature benefits those that search for similar results on multiple occasions. If an individual types in "car dealerships ... (view more)

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Hackers offered Big Payout to Poison Web Browsers

Elite hackers and ethical computer security enthusiasts are preparing themselves for the Pwn2Own competition, which challenges participants to break through security of popular software programs (such as web browsers). Once software is breached, it ... is referred to as an "exploit", in which hackers are then able to gain access to other areas of the computer's operating system without restrictions. It's these types of attacks which occur on web sites frequently, where visitors become instantly infected just by visiting a malicious website containing an unknown exploit (also referred to ... (view more)

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Microsoft Exec Admits Bing Uses Google Search Data

Google claims that Microsoft (via the Bing search engine) has been copying search results and presenting them as their own. The accusation comes after Google hosted a "sting" operation that caught Microsoft in the act of "borrowing" Google-hosted ... data. The covert plan saw the implementation of 100 obscure queries (that served as decoys) within Google search algorithms. For example, Google named one particular code "mbzrygiys" and linked it to smartphone maker Research in Motion (RIM). Interestingly enough, this same code (and a few others) appeared in Bing search results, proving that the ... (view more)

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Google to Hire 6,200 New Employees in 2011: Report

According to a recent report from the Associated Press, it appears Google is planning to make 2011 a very busy year for its Human Resources department. Rumors suggest the search giant will break previous hiring records in 2011 by signing on an ... estimated 6,200 new workers. The Associated Press report builds on recruiting-based blog posts made by Google on its web site. The search company is looking for talented people for a variety of different positions. Google Looking for "Top Talent" "We're looking for top talent -- across the board and around the globe -- and we'll hire as many ... (view more)

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Google Phone Offers Multi-Lingual Conversation

Google has unveiled two new tools for its Android phone system. One is genuinely useful while the other appears to be an impressive gimmick. The first tool is an extension to the existing Google Translate feature. As well as offering traditional ... translation services, the phones could recognize voices and offer a translation of spoken words. However, as with most automated translation tools and traditional phrasebooks, this was limited in conversations with foreign speakers. That's now been solved by the introduction of a conversation mode. For example: a Spanish user can speak into the phone ... (view more)

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IE, Firefox to Release 'Do Not Track' Add-Ons

Mozilla and Google have both followed Microsoft's lead in giving users a chance to opt out of having their activity tracked by advertisers. But the voluntary schemes may not be effective enough to stave off government action. The changes follow ... Federal Trade Commission (FTC) demands for both website and browser developers to make it easier for users to opt out of tracking. The call was designed to tackle fears that sites were abusing their ability to pass on details about what people do online to advertisers, allowing for better targeted advertisements, which typically command higher rates. ... (view more)

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Google CEO Steps Down

Google chief executive officer Eric Schmidt has stepped down from his post atop the search engine world and will be replaced by the company's co-founder, Larry Page. Schmidt won't be leaving the company, however, and is set to become its executive ... chairman. Google CEO Shuffle to Streamline Decision Making According to Google, the changes are intended to "streamline decision making and create clearer lines of responsibility at the top of the company." The 55-year-old Schmidt has been with Google since 2001. In his new post he'll focus more on making business deals and partnerships with the ... (view more)

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Google Plans 'Digital Newsstand' for Android

Google is once again preparing to battle Apple to win customers in the mobile gadget field. The search giant is reported to be working on a "digital newsstand": a central resource for users of devices running its Android system to get hold of ... newspapers and magazines. The newsstand would aim to solve three problems with digital publishing on Android tablet devices. First, many titles are currently only available as web pages viewable through an ordinary browser, such as Google's Chrome. While that works, it can be quite unwieldy for users wanting to "browse" an entire issue rather than simply ... (view more)

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New Google Feature Identifies Malware-Infected Sites

For years, hackers have turned the Internet into a never-ending game of " malware roulette," with virtually any web site running the risk of being compromised. In an effort to make the online community a safer place for everyone, Google has ... integrated a new self-identification feature into its search engine to inform users when a website poses a threat. Compromised Websites Weeded Out from Google Search Google created the feature with the average Internet user in mind. If the search engine detects that a website has been altered by a third party, it will display the following message: " ... (view more)

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WSJ Report: Mobile Apps Snoop, Sell Personal Data

A recent Wall Street Journal report has revealed that some popular mobile apps have been sending personal data of their users to third parties without consent. A whopping 56 applications using the Apple iPhone and Google Android systems were found ... guilty of such practices. In a recent statement, Alex Deane, director of Big Brother Watch, was outraged with such activity. Founded in 2009, Big Brother Watch is a British-based group dedicated to combating intrusions of privacy and protecting civil liberties. Personal Info Breach "Alarming News" "This is alarming news. Most users of ... (view more)


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