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Google Misleads Safari Users; Fined $22.5 Million

Google has agreed to pay a $22.5 million penalty for misleading users of the Safari browser about its privacy policies. It's the largest penalty ever imposed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for this type of offense. The case involves cookies, ... the small text files which a website places on a user's computer to identify and help track them. In many cases, cookies help advertisers deliver particularly relevant advertisements (Amazon's "Recommended for You" feature is one example). Google Tricks Safari With Bogus Code Since many web users don't like being followed, Apple decided ... (view more)

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Google Search Results Punish Piracy Sites

Google has announced it will punish websites accused of piracy by moving them lower in its search results rankings. However, there are some questions flying around the Internet about whether Google's own YouTube video site will get special ... treatment. The changes include a minor tweak to the way Google decides how high or low specific sites should appear in a search results list. The search giant says its automated system considers more than 200 factors, but doesn't say how much emphasis it gives to each one. The new ranking method takes effect this week. Afterwards, search results will ... (view more)

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Microsoft Reports Huge Loss; Blames Aquantive Mess

Microsoft has announced a $492 million loss between April and June of 2012. It's the first time the software giant has experienced a net loss in a quarter since its stock was first publicly traded in 1986. The good news for the company is that while ... its day-to-day business is slightly down overall, it is still fundamentally profitable. Most of the loss resulted from an accounting technicality linked to a bad investment. The quarterly loss comes because Microsoft took a $6.2 billion writedown to cover its acquisition of Aquantive, the online advertising business it bought in 2007. The purchase ... (view more)

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Google Project Tackles Illicit Drug Networks

Google has announced it will sponsor a conference aimed at reducing illegal drug and human trafficking. The conference is part of Google Ideas, a project designed to examine how technology can help solve major world problems. The project's first ... major work came in 2011, when it held the Summit Against Violent Extremism (SAVE) in Dublin, Ireland. SAVE brought together 84 former extremists, ranging from gang members to violent nationalist and religious extremists, along with victims of gangs and terrorism. Virtual Community Created to Prevent Violence The SAVE conference led to the formation of ... (view more)

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Twitter User Data Sought by US Gov't: Report

Twitter has released new figures showing government requests for information about its users. It's a report similar to the one produced by Google, though with some notable differences. For the past three years, Google has produced these kinds of ... statistics every six months. The idea is to show changes in government demands for specific user information. Twitter openly acknowledges it has copied Google's idea. It says releasing the figures will force governments to be more accountable about the information they demand. (Source: ) Twitter's newly-published data covers all government ... (view more)

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Trojan Horse Found on Apple App Store, Google Play

A security firm has discovered a Trojan horse posing as a smartphone application on both Apple's App Store and Google Play. Both Google and Apple have already removed the app, so it is no longer available for download. The app, called "Find and ... Call," masked as a smartphone organization tool. In reality, however, it was a virus that, after being installed, spread to other devices by means of the device user's contact list. Contact List Uploaded to Remote Server The true nature of "Find and Call" was originally discovered by Kaspersky Lab, a prominent security firm. According to ... (view more)

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HP, Acer, Samsung Angry Over Microsoft Tablet?

While the prospect of Microsoft manufacturing its own tablet computer will bring about a number of firsts for the software giant, one in particular will present an unusual dilemma: this will be the first time Microsoft competes against its very own ... hardware partners. Here's the issue: Microsoft will be trying to sell its Windows 8 operating system (OS) to hardware makers at the same time it will be trying to convince consumers to buy its Surface tablet computer, instead of PCs and slate devices made by those same hardware partners. As shown in a recent product unveiling, Surface will come in ... (view more)

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New Google Project Designed to Save Rare Languages

Google is funding a project designed to promote languages in danger of falling into disuse. The search giant is producing a series of tools, including specialist social network tools, designed to revive interest in the languages. The Endangered ... Language Project springs from the fact that about half of the 6,000 human languages spoken today are "on the verge of extinction," with few native speakers left alive. Researchers predict there will be no one able to speak these languages by the year 2100, unless special efforts are made to preserve them. (Source: ) Expansion of ... (view more)

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Google Gives In to Gov't Snooping Requests: Report

A new report from Google indicates the US government is currently requesting more information about the online activity of its citizens than ever before. In the second half of 2011, it received 6,321 requests for Internet user data, compared with ... 4,601 in the same period in 2010. That's a 37 per cent increase. The figures were revealed in Google's latest Transparency Report. The US requests cover a total of 12,243 Internet users. (Source: However, the increase in demands for user data isn't necessarily a sign that the US government is snooping more. Google said the increase could ... (view more)

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Google Rejects Most Gov't Censorship Requests

Google has revealed that last year it refused to comply with most US government requests to remove controversial content from its websites. The company also discussed its behavior in removing terrorism videos and its response to a particularly ... unusual request from the Canadian government. Google explored these issues in its latest Transparency Report, which provides information about private and public requests that Google receives to censor specific Internet content. According to the report, between July and December 2011 Google received US court orders to take down a total of 3,851 items. ... (view more)


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