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Just Launched: New Amazon Fire Smartphone

Amazon has unveiled its very first smartphone and it's bringing a whole new approach to high-tech mobile. Rather than concentrating on building a smartphone that looks better than the competition, Amazon is offering consumers a device that could ... potentially make shopping -- both online and off -- easier than ever before. Amazon chief executive officer Jeff Bezos unveiled the Amazon Fire Phone in Seattle, Washington, this past Wednesday. The device is priced similarly to Apple's iPhone 5S and Samsung's S5. The 32 gigabyte version of the Amazon Fire Phone will retail for $199 with a ... (view more)

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Google Purchases Satellite Firm for $500M

Google has spent half a billion dollars purchasing Skybox, a firm that operates a suite of specialized satellites. It says it will use the satellites to improve its mapping services, offer Internet access to remote areas, and help in disaster ... relief. The move, however, has prompted speculation that the technology might used to gather highly confidential data, and could even find itself commandeered by US government. Skybox Satellite Technology Offers Real Time Insight Skybox is open about the fact that its satellites are designed more for gathering data, rather than communications. It says ... (view more)

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Google Too White, Male, Executive Says

A senior executive at Google thinks his company has a serious racial diversity problem. Recent statistics released by the high-profile technology firm, which reveal that just 2 per cent of Google's workforce is black, appear to support that claim. ... Google Overwhelmingly Male, White, Stats Show Earlier this week Google released diversity numbers which show that 61 per cent of the company's workforce is white while 30 per cent are Asian. Only 2 and 3 per cent of Google's employees are black and Hispanic, respectively. Google is also overwhelmingly male, with men making up 70 per cent ... (view more)

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Google Driverless Car: Seats Two, No Steering Wheel

Google is set to build its own fleet of self-driving cars from scratch. The new autonomous cars will have no steering wheel, which will present significant legal hurdles in order to get them on the streets. To date, Google has been working with ... traditional auto-makers to make what are effectively modified versions of existing vehicles, retrofitted with autonomous technology. The cars, which have been tested on public roads, have the usual steering wheel and pedals; pressing an emergency button allows the driver to take over the controls from the computer instantly. How the Self-driving Cars ... (view more)

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Beware Fake Kaspersky Antivirus Apps

Kaspersky Lab, a Russia-based firm and one of the world's most renowned PC security companies, is warning all consumers to carefully research any antivirus application before downloading it to their computers or mobile devices. Kaspersky Lab says it ... recently discovered several fake antivirus apps on Google Play and the Windows Phone app stores . Experts Warn: Kaspersky Mobile Not Legitimate One of the fake apps is called Kaspersky Mobile, which claims to protect a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone and costs just $4 USD. The application uses Kaspersky's own logo and other branding ... (view more)

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Leaked Screenshots Suggest Major Overhaul to Gmail

It appears that Google is getting ready to introduce a whole new user interface (UI) for its Gmail cloud-based email service. Leaked screenshots suggest the overhaul is substantial, meaning current Gmail users could face a significant challenge ... adjusting to the changes. If the screenshots are in fact legitimate, Google is hoping to meld its desktop version of Gmail closer to the mobile version, which is accessible through tablets and smartphones. In that way, it's similar to Microsoft's use of the touch-friendly interface that made its way onto desktop PCs when Windows 8 was released ... (view more)

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Google: Government User Data Requests up 120%

Google says the rate at which governments and other groups ask it to hand over user data has more than doubled in the past five years. However, a growing proportion of those requests are proving unjustified. The figures come from Google's ... twice-yearly Transparency Report, which it has been publishing since the second half of 2009. Back then it received a total of 12,539 requests in six months. That figure has risen in every period and the latest data, covering the second half of 2013, shows 27,477 requests. Since the first report, the number of requests made by governments has increased ... (view more)

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Google Wiretap, Data Mining Class Action Dismissed

Google says it is going to mediation over claims it unlawfully scanned the contents of emails for advertising purposes. It's a surprise move, considering that Google recently won a major court victory over the affair. The legal dispute centers on ... the fact that Google's computers scan through the contents of email messages sent via its free Gmail service. Google then uses keywords that appear in messages to produce advertisements that appear alongside the message in the user's inbox. As an example: if you received a message from a friend mentioning an upcoming golf game, you might ... (view more)

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Google CEO Says User Data Safe From NSA

Google's chief executive officer is promising Google users that their data is safe from the prying eyes of National Security Agency (NSA) officials. Eric Schmidt made that claim before a large audience at the South by Southwest Interactive ... conference, which is being held in Austin, Texas. When asked how he felt after it was revealed that the NSA had worked with Britain's top surveillance agency, the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) to infiltrate Google's data centers, Schmidt admitted that he was shocked. "The very fact that they did this was very suspicious to ... (view more)

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Google To Make It Easier To Quit Mailing Lists

Google is adding a 1-click link for Gmail users to stop unwanted marketing messages. But the system won't work in all cases, especially when it comes to dealing with the worst spam offenders. The new service works along the same lines as the ... unsubscribe link which many legitimate websites use in their bulk email messages. More often than not, however, the unsubscribe link is often difficult to find. Typically, it's buried at the bottom of a lengthy email that the recipient didn't want to read in the first place. Another problem is that the unsubscribe link isn't always a one- ... (view more)


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