
Dennis Faas's picture

Samsung Laptop 'Infection' a False Alarm

A computer security company has apologized after its software mistakenly reported that new Samsung laptops carry malicious software. The confusion was due to security software labeling a legitimate folder directory as being infected. The claims were ... first made by tech writer Mohamed Hassan in an article for Network World. He wrote on Monday that after buying a new Samsung laptop, he ran a security software check and found two cases of a keylogger known as Starlogger. A keylogger is a malicious application that records all keystrokes made by the user and returns them to the application's ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

GFI Backup 2009

Minimize the risk of data loss: use GFI Backup 2009 to backup all your important documents, photos, music, emails and program settings using a simple but smart wizard-driven interface to nearly any storage device, including: local storage, remote ... (FTP), external, or on a LAN. Features include: secure backup of all your important files, easy-to-use wizard-driven interface, ZIP format compression, and more. Try GFI Backup 2009 today -- it's 100% freeware! Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below ... (view more)

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