
Dennis Faas's picture

Radio Shack Emails Lay Off Notifications

Generally, I don't much like email. It's impersonal, often leads to miscommunication, and simply doesn't carry the satisfaction of personal interaction with someone on the phone, or, better yet, in person. However, for those rare occasions when I ... want to completely avoid emotional contact, email is often the best choice. And apparently, tech retailer Radio Shack feels the same way. Rather than approach employees in a respectful, consolatory manner, the company recently laid off 400 employees through email. The affected workers are (or were) employed at Radio Shack's Fort Worth, Texas ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Electronic Mail: What Is It?

Just about everyone who surfs the Web has an email account any more. Most of the Internet Service Providers on the 'net have a set of mailboxes they provide their customers, but the software they provide for folk to get to their email account ... sometimes does not provide the tools needed to effectively use their email Inboxes. There are several "email Clients" available that we be presenting. Before we get to that, there is some information you need to know to be able to select the best fit for your use. First we need to define what and where a client and server are. An email client is the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Add Outlook Express to SendTo Menu?

Infopackets Reader 'Debbie' writes: " Dear Dennis, Thanks so much for your articles -- they can be very helpful! I've got a question: every time I right click to email a picture from the My Pictures folder, it goes to Microsoft Outlook (which comes ... with MS office). The problem is that I use Outlook Express primarily as my email client. This is a new computer and I don't know how to set things up properly: POP3 and HTML, etc. It's all so confusing. By the way, when it takes me to Microsoft Outlook, there is no send button so I can't even use it. I think I need to set up a profile. At any rate ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

An Email Client Better Than Outlook Express?

Infopackets Reader Francoise D. writes: " Dear Infopackets Team, Many thanks for your great web site! I recently read an article that said that Outlook Express (OE) does not reclaim empty space after an email permanently removed from the Deleted ... Items folder. The article went on to say that only compresses its folders when it reaches a certain point (whenever that is). This bothers me because I get a lot of mail, and I hate to think that although the emails are deleted, the space is still being wasted. Do you know of other email programs that handle their folders in a more practical and ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

GoodBuy AOL and GoodBuy Yahoo Users!, Part 2

With respect to the previous article, " GoodBuy AOL and GoodBuy Yahoo Users! ", Infopackets Reader 'BigTShane' from AOL writes: " [I can't believe that there will be] no more infopackets [email] newsletter because *you* are giving up without a ... fight. You are going to let AOL and YAHOO censor email? UNBELIEVABLE!! " My response: Whoa! Now wait a minute. I didn't say I was giving up! If you read the previous article closely enough, I provided two viable alternatives in order to continue to receive our newsletter if you're an AOL or Yahoo user. To recap, you can either: a) ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Alert: eBay and SquareTrade scam, Part 4

Are you being scammed? Need to know the definitive answer right now? Rest assured, the answer lies on this page. Please read the below article carefully. Please also note that I will NOT answer personal questions pertaining to scams because I have ... yet to encounter a question which has not already been answered on this page. Thank you for your understanding. You are, however, more than welcome to email me if you found this page helpful. ;-) -- Infopackets Reader John Doe writes: " Dear Dennis, I found your web site through Google when searching for eBay and SquareTrade. Question: we are ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture


Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail or email , is a method of composing, sending, and receiving messages over electronic communication systems. The term email applies both to the Internet email system based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ... (SMTP) and to workgroup collaboration systems allowing users within one company or organization to send messages to each other. Often workgroup collaboration systems natively use non-standard protocols but have some form of gateway to allow them to send and receive internet email. Some organizations may use the internet protocols for internal email ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Request Return Receipt (email)?

Infopackets Reader Peter C. writes: " Dear Dennis, How can I tell if a recipient has opened my email message? I have checked 'request return receipt' in my email program (is this the function I need)? I have sent a number of messages using the ... 'request return receipt' feature, but to this day I have have no indication that the person has read my emails. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. " My response: A 'Return Receipt' is a *request* which only works works if the person who receives your email clicks "OK" to acknowledge opening your letter. The ... (view more)

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Conceiva NetRanger Review

Synopsis: Want to know what's happening to your computer while it's connected to the Internet? Designed for both new and experienced users, NetRanger is *the ultimate* companion for getting detailed knowledge about your computer's network and about ... internet web sites, hosts and IP addresses -- and is also a fantastic tool for analyzing a potential Spyware attack! Advanced features such as ping, trace route, whois, host and port scanning, finger and POP mail checking are all integrated into an easy-to-use interface. If you're always on the Internet, NetRanger is a must-have tool! NetRanger: ... (view more)

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PicoZip Review

Synopsis: What's the best way to send files over email, shrink your backup job, and otherwise handle the majority of all archive file formats? Answer: with PicoZip, of course! PicoZip is a fully-featured WinZip 9 replacement and is compatible with ... all major extensions (up to 23 formats, including: .ZIP, .RAR, .ACE, and more!). PicoZip integrates seamlessly with Windows Explorer and is packed with lots of powerful archiving features that are extremely easy to use. Even if you have never used any other type of Zip or archiving utility, learning to use PicoZip is a snap! PicoZip: Screenshots ... (view more)


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