
John Lister's picture

23andMe Files for Bankruptcy: What Happens to Your DNA?

Genetic testing company 23andMe has filed for bankruptcy protection, leaving millions of customers questioning the fate of their sensitive DNA data. The firm, once valued at almost $6 billion, faces lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny over privacy ... breaches as experts warn users to secure their genetic information. (Source: reuters.com ) From Boom to Bust: The 23andMe Bankruptcy 23andMe filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on March 23, a legal process that lets companies restructure debts while attempting to stay operational and potentially find a buyer. CEO and co-founder Anne Wojcicki is stepping ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

7 Million Affected By DNA Website Breach

DNA and ancestry site 23andMe has admitted nearly 7 million customers are affected by a data breach. Both the breach itself and the way the site organizes its data contributed to what could be a legal disaster for the company. 23andMe is named after ... the number of segments of DNA that people share with each parent. The service involves customer submitting a DNA sample to be used either to check for genetic health conditions, get information about ancestry such as ethnic origin, or both. Customers can also agree to be put in touch with other customers when a DNA match suggest a possible family ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

DNA: The Future of Data Storage

European researchers have made it possible to store coded data in the form of DNA, officially creating the most compact form of digital storage ever in existence. UK-based EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) recently announced the ... successful storage of encoded data in DNA format. The files include an MP3 of Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech, a .jpeg photo, and several other text files. Millions of Data Stored in a Cup of DNA The innovative encoding method makes it possible to store over 100 million hours of high-definition video in just a cup of DNA. Among its ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

McDonald's Security System Sprays Crooks with DNA

After it suffered a number of costly robberies in Australia, McDonald's is testing a new DNA-based security system. The new system, called 'Intruder Spray,' coats thieves with an invisible substance that remains on their body even after considerable ... time has passed. UK-based SelectaDNA has been hired to install the security system in more than 750 of McDonald's Australian restaurants. In each participating restaurant, the Intruder Spray system is positioned above the doorway and connected to an alarm. Once activated, the system sprays a "non-toxic, invisible DNA solution" which can remain on ... (view more)

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Warnings Issued Over Britain's Surveillance Techniques

According to a recent report from the British House of Lords, Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) cameras and the UK's DNA database -- purported to be the "largest in the world" -- are two examples of "pervasive" threats to privacy in British society, and may ... even threaten to undermine democracy. The report warns that pervasive and routine electronic surveillance and the collection and processing of personal information is almost taken for granted. (Source: guardian.co.uk ) Although the government calls CCTV and DNA essential to fight crime, privacy advocates say abuses of power mean that even the ... (view more)

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New Web Service Lets Users 'Google' Their DNA

Personal DNA profiling now has an official place on the web, thanks to the Google-funded company 23andme . (Source: reuters.com ) Last week, 23andMe launched a web-based service which, for $1,000, will allow users to access and interpret their ... genetic information. The company name refers to the number of chromosomes in the human genome. (Source: nzherald.co.nz ) Users submit their DNA by mail in the form of saliva samples, and can view their results on a personal homepage within the 23andMe site. The results include information about the user's ancestry, inherited personal traits, potential ... (view more)

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