
John Lister's picture

Google Unveils Major Spam Filter Overhaul

Google says it has significantly upgraded Gmail's spam filter to overcome a common scam tactic. It's now using AI to detect images that aren't technically text characters but are still readable by humans. It also says the new system will reduce the ... number of false positives: legitimate emails mistakenly flagged as spam. That's certainly felt like an increasing problem over the past year or so. The scammer tactic tackled with the update is called adversarial text manipulation. That takes account of the fact that a key part of spam filtering involves analyzing the text in an email and looking ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Controversial New Game Lets Users Control Taliban

Multinational video game producer Electronic Arts (EA) has defended its decision to allow game players to use Taliban characters in its new video game, stating that such role-playing is an inevitable part of modern multiplayer gaming. The game is ... Medal of Honor, a name most will recognize given that EA has made several of these first-person-shooters in the last decade. All previous editions have been based around Second World War campaigns, with the player controlling a United States soldier aiming to defeat Axis characters. The new edition is set in modern-day Afghanistan. There had been ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Top 10 Worst Passwords You Should Never Use

According to a recent report, most users still haven't answered the call by security experts to implement more robust passwords. In fact, in a list of the most easy to hack passwords, simply typing '123456' took a truly forgettable top prize. ... Security firm Imperva this week released its list of the passwords most likely to be hacked based on 32 million instances of successful hacking. Imperva named their report "Consumer Password Worst Practices," and some of the entries near the top are truly simple. Worst Password Practices The top three passwords all included the simple streaming of ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Choose a Good, Safe, Easy Password

As many of us know, coming up with a password can be a real chore. Then you have to be able to remember it! Actually, it isn't as hard as it sounds. There are several neat little tricks (or rules) used by the professionals that make password ... selection easier. Number one is to NOT use anything that someone could decipher by using personal information (names of your pets, parents, spouse, children, street you live on, etc). For example: use the lyrics of a song you like or use a catchy phrase that sticks in your mind. Take the first letter of the words in the phrase and stick a number in it ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Insert Symbols: MS Word

In your documents, sometimes you have to include symbols other than the standard letters, numbers and characters that appear on the keyboard. MS Word has many interesting symbols for you to use: everyday items such as the degree symbol (98.6°),  ...Greek letters (ΦΒΚ or ψ), letters needed in foreign words (such as résumé or Senõr), and even cute little pictures (such as  and §). You must use these symbols when they're needed in the text, but the pictures, sometimes called "dingbats," can be used for decoration. To begin, click to the insertion point where you ...view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Can't list long filenames in MSDOS?

Infopackets Reader Brad B. writes: " Dear Dennis, I would like to create a text document which contains a list of my files in a directory. I asked a techie friend of mine how to do it, and he told me to open up an MS DOS Window and use the command: ... 'dir *.* > list.txt' I did that but my file names aren't showing up in full. Can you help?" Side note: MS DOS is the predecessor to Windows. The MS DOS prompt provides an optional way to access or modify files through a command line interface. An MS DOS command prompt can be opened by clicking Start -> Programs -> MSDOS, or if ... (view more)

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