
Dennis Faas's picture

Report: Apple Owns 95% of Tablet Market

Just in case there was any doubt that Microsoft desperately needs to oversee the release of several Windows-based slate computers to compete with the Apple iPad, a new report states that, in the fiscal third quarter, the Cupertino-based firm's ... products accounted for 95 per cent of the tablet market. In other words, this is Apple's sphere until a PC maker like Hewlett-Packard or IBM can take it back. The report comes courtesy of Strategy Analytics Inc., a Boston-based research company that also noted an increase in tablet computer shipments by 26 per cent over the previous quarter. It would ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows 7 4x Better than Vista, Survey Suggests

A day after Microsoft revealed that it would make Windows 7 downgradeable all the way back to XP, a new poll suggests it's unlikely anyone will really want to do that. Apparently, Windows 7 is gaining popularity after all. The poll is courtesy of ... ChangeWave Research, which has been keeping tabs on Microsoft's operating systems for a while now. Two years ago it polled users shortly after Vista's much-anticipated launch, only to find that just 10% of all users felt "very satisfied" with the OS. A couple years of serious griping later, and here we are with what most hope will completely redeem ... (view more)

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