carnegie mellon

Dennis Faas's picture

New Computer System Uses the Internet to 'Learn'

Computer Science researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have created a computer system capable of performing tasks never thought possible. Dubbed "NELL" (short for Never-Ending Language Learning), the computer system has the ability to learn, ... read and express assumptions on a variety of topics. Researchers were provided funding from Google and DARPA agency (a research and development arm of the U.S. Department of Defense) to create a system capable of understanding the entirety of the human language. The Carnegie Mellon group programmed NELL to categorize the information it finds on the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

New Computer Controller Designed To Replicate Human Touch

With the current state of technology, a computer user can manipulate their system in any way imaginable (shy of sticking their hands through the monitor and physically touching the icons that appear on the screen). Now, a group of researchers at ... Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA have seemingly broken all of the boundaries and jumped hands-first into a whole new dimension. The team has developed a controller allowing users to manipulate three-dimensional images and delve deeper into virtual areas. The control is currently the closest simulator of human touch ever created. The device ... (view more)

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