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Iran Accused of Hacking US Banks

United States officials believe Iran is responsible for a string of recent cyber attacks on American banks. They say the sophistication of the attacks and the hacks' aim of disrupting services rather than stealing cash both suggest government rather ... than private activity. The attacks have been coming since September and have disrupted the online services of many U.S. banking institutions, including Bank of America, BB ... (view more)

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Foreign Hackers Attack Major US Banks

Over the past week major American banks -- including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo -- have faced a torrent of cyber attacks. At the moment, no one seems to know who was behind the campaign. Besides JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, Bancorp, ... Citigroup, and Bank of America were also targeted by hackers. It appears the attacks did not capture any customer information, though they did affect online banking services. DDoS Attacks Launched by Advanced Hackers Rodney Joffe, a security expert and senior vice president of the Virginia-based Neustar Inc., says the attacks were carried out by highly ... (view more)

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Notorious Amazon, eBay Hacker Arrested

A Russian hacker accused of launching distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against four years ago has now been arrested in Cyprus. The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) is currently trying to have him extradited to the US. ... According to the DoJ warrant used to detain 25-year-old Dmitry Olegovich Zubakha in Cyprus last week, the Russian carried out two attacks on Amazon in 2008. Using botnet-based DDoS tactics, his goal appears to have been to shut down Amazon's Internet servers by overwhelming them with fake traffic. Amazon Faces Massive Traffic Levels Amazon says ... (view more)

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2012 Olympics Threatened by Hackers: UK Official

A British government official has said the online networks set to carry this summer's Olympic Games could be targeted for online attacks by cybercriminals. No specific threats have been identified, but officials are nevertheless employing ... professional hackers to test the networks' security and readiness to resist various methods of attack. Francis Maude, the UK's Cabinet Office minister, is charged with supporting the workings of the government across all departments. He made specific comments about the possibility of such attacks while visiting Estonia, the eastern European state that has ... (view more)

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Anonymous a Major Concern for IT Pros: Survey

A new survey shows that most IT professionals are very concerned at present about the activities of 'hacktivist' groups like Anonymous. According to the study's results, about six in every ten IT pros believe members of hacktivist cells are most ... likely to attack enterprise-wide computer systems. But the specialists don't believe that's the most worrisome threat they face. The survey was carried out by Bit9, a company that calls itself "the global leader in Advanced Threat Protection." IT Pros Believe Hacktivists Most Likely to Attack Bit9's recently released report shows that 61 per cent of ... (view more)

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Anonymous Kills Downing Street, Home Office Sites

The international hacking group Anonymous has targeted the British government with a recent string of attacks. As a result, websites for both the United Kingdom's Home Office and for Downing Street were disabled. Anonymous , which is a loose ... collective of hackers from locations around the world, has become quite renowned in recent years. Members of the group, who call themselves "hacktivists" rather than straight-up hackers, have targeted credit card companies, copyright protection agencies, and even the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). They prefer the term "hacktivists" because their ... (view more)

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Hackers Attack Israeli Stock Exchange, Airline Sites

Online battles between Saudi and Israeli hackers have moved from credit card hacks to the shutting down of whole websites. The online 'war' began early this month, when a hacker claiming to be from Saudi Arabia published stolen Israeli credit card ... details . The actual location of the hacker, who used the code-name xOmar 0 (and variations, such as OxOmar), remains in dispute, with some experts claiming he is in Mexico. Assertions about the number of compromised credit card accounts also vary from 15,000 to 400,000. Political Leaders Speak Out The credit card attack had political ramifications ... (view more)

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Data Thieves Strike At Chemical Industry

Dozens of chemical companies have been hit with a wave of online attacks. At least 48 companies are confirmed to have been hit, of which 29 were in the chemical sector. The remaining 19 companies were involved in the chemical defense sector. ... According to security researchers at Symantec, the assault ran from July until the middle of September, though the effects are still being felt. The true scale may be larger: at least 101 different locations are known to be housing computers infected by the attack, covering 20 different countries. (Source: ) Cyber Attacks Use Low-Tech ... (view more)

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Web Attacks Way Up, Says Symantec Report

According to a new report from security firm Symantec, the volume and complexity of web-based hacker attacks continues to grow. Symantec says the total daily number of online attacks actually jumped an incredible 93 per cent from 2009 to 2010. Also ... rising to concerning levels was the number of attacks launched upon mobile platforms. Symantec's findings come to us courtesy of the company's "Internet Security Threat Report," which was released on Tuesday. The findings were certainly eye-catching, including one report which suggests that hacking results in an average of 262,767 exploited ... (view more)

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Denial Of Service Attack (DoS)

A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may ... vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. Perpetrators of DoS attacks typically target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root name ... (view more)


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