
John Lister's picture

Microsoft Says Customer Affected By Email Hack

Microsoft says Russian hackers accessed its customers' emails during an attack earlier this year. It had previously only said Microsoft's own staff were victims. The company has not yet said how many customers are affected but says it has contacted ... them with details of the attack. Microsoft was breached by a group called Midnight Blizzard, believed to operate from Russia. The government there has not commented on the claims. The new revelations follow a Microsoft announcement in January that a small proportion of its corporate email accounts had been accessed by Midnight Blizzard. The attacks ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Toothbrush Botnet Army Story Was Bogus

Reports that 3 million "smart" toothbrushes were hacked and weaponized turn out to be misleading at best. It appears to have been a mistranslation or misunderstanding. The reports first surfaced last week in Switzerland and involved toothbrushes ... supposedly running the Java computer language. They were said to have been hacked and used for a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that caused huge disruption and financial costs to a targeted business. Not every element of the story is as completely ridiculous as it might seem. "Smart" toothbrushes do exist, with connections to smartphone ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Major Library Hit By Ransomware

One of the world's largest libraries has been hit by a major ransomware attack. It's an example of an increasingly common "double-dip" attack. The attackers have not simply encrypted the British Library's files until they receive a payment, which is ... the usual core ransomware goal. Instead, they are threatening to auction off sensitive employee data seized in the attack. The library has an estimated collection of up to 200 million items, including a copy of every book published in the United Kingdom. It's also a key research facility for historians. Among other systems, the library has an ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

MS Office, Internet Explorer Form Zero Day Attack

Security experts have warned users to take extra care opening Microsoft Office files. An unpatched bug in Internet Explorer can affect users regardless of their preferred browser. The bug takes advantage of the way Office files can open links in ... Internet Explorer. It means that attackers can craft Office files that, once opened, automatically load an "attack" page in Internet Explorer that installs malware. Exactly what malware to install is up to the attacker. There is some protection for some users. In many cases, Office will by default open a document in Protected View, which blocks links ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Hackers Infect Routers; Deploy COVID-19 Malware

A new attack on Internet users combines multiple tactics into a nasty strategy. The scam includes hacking routers, redirecting users to bogus sites, and preying on fear to trick people into installing malware. The first step in the attack involved ... the hackers taking control of home and small business routers, with Linksys and D-Link models targeted. Exactly how they are doing this isn't certain, but it appears to involve a brute force attack through the optional feature that lets users access their router settings from any Internet-connected computer. Brute force is effectively an automated ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Man Jailed for Attacking Millions of Websites

A man who launched millions of separate attacks on websites has been jailed for 13 months for conspiracy to damage Internet-connected computers. Sergiy Usatyuk, who is 20, offered an attacks-for-hire service using Distributed Denial of Service ... (DDoS) tactics. A Denial Of Service attack is a crude but often effective technique that simply involves flooding a site with bogus "visits" until the web server becomes overloaded, which then causes the website to become inaccessible for ordinary users. It's roughly equivalent to tying up a company's switchboard with prank calls. The "distributed" ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Mega Hack Exposes Entire Population's Data

Financial records of almost every adult in Bulgaria have been stolen in a cyber attack. It's led to the unlikely situation of the country's leader reportedly exaggerating the attacker's skills. One man has been arrested following the attack, which ... looks to have involved unauthorized access to a database with records for every working adult in the country. That's almost five million people. There's some debate over exactly what was involved in the breach. Press reports suggest it not only included personal information such as date of birth and address, but also tax ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

ASUS Automatic Updates Compromised by Hackers

PC and laptop manufacturer ASUS unwittingly installed malware on its customers' laptops, according to a cyber security company. The malware went out to around a million people, yet appears to have been a highly targeted attack. The claims come from ... Kaspersky Lab, with rival firm Symantec confirming it has found similar evidence of the attack. At the time of writing, ASUS has yet to comment publicly on the claims. (Source: ) According to Kaspersky Lab, the hackers took advantage of ASUS Live Update Utility. That's a tool by which ASUS automatically updates software on laptops, ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Gov't Staff Revert to Typewriters After Ransomware Attack

Staff of a local government in Alaska have switched to typewriters after a ransomware attack crippled their computer network. Officials are currently rebuilding the system from scratch. The attack hit Matanuska-Susitna Borough, which covers the ... region just north of Anchorage. The problems began on July 24, though officials believe the malware may have been on the system for several weeks before activating. IT staff spotted the ransomware attack thanks to antivirus software , but had to start manually removing some of the more sophisticated elements. They also reset all passwords as a security ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Computer / Network Infected with Ransomware (10 Steps)

Infopackets Reader Robert S. writes: " Dear Dennis, I have a network of computers I use for accounting purposes. Suddenly, many of my desktop icons started appearing to have strange names, such as ... '1HjgN1BdTZE3OIqorcj2E5b6CXIE=gdFae89IWgo0RrVfPbCHt851oogccs.ssimpotashka[at]'. When I try to open these files, Windows warns me the file may be malicious. When I look in my Documents folder, I see more files similarly named to the one I just mentioned. Some of my .PDF files won't even open. On the desktop there is a text document that says ' HOW TO DECRYPT YOUR FILES.TXT ' - when I open ... (view more)


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