
Dennis Faas's picture

AOL 9.0 Accused of Being 'Badware'

It seems that AOL can't turn around these days without stepping into some sort of controversy. Bad news , more bad news , and customer service tactics reminiscent of the Mafia have plagued the company in recent months. The latest fiasco: The most ... recent version of AOL 9.0 is now being tagged as "badware" (malware) by The malware-prevention website is a joint project between Harvard Law School and Oxford University. (Source: ) posted this notice about the latest incarnation of AOL 9.0: "In our preliminary findings, we find that AOL 9.0 (free ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

AlphaXP Review

Synopsis: Add eye candy and extend the functionality of Windows XP (you won't want to miss this one)! AlphaXP is a *very* cool desktop enhancement utility that adds advanced transparency effects to any Windows 2000/XP computer. It has won many ... five-star awards for excellence and is regarded by thousands of users worldwide. Some of the features have been incorporated into AlphaXP include: three direct ways to set transparency, two automatic ways to set transparency, smooth fade effects, menu transparency, tooltip transparency, taskbar transparency, and much more! To get a better idea of what ... (view more)

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