Microsoft Forces Pirates to Walk the Plank

Dennis Faas's picture

It was about this time last year that Microsoft began a shock-and-awe campaign against piracy.

Its most coveted weapon? WGA, or the Windows Genuine Advantage, which checks the legitimacy of their software and reports back to Microsoft headquarters. An anti-piracy program based on a spyware-like strategy? Only Microsoft could do it!

The backlash against the company was strong, and may have even kept a few users away from the much-hyped Windows Vista. However, there's still no stopping the Redmond-based firm's war on piracy. It's now going after some 23 California and Florida companies for allegedly distributing counterfeit programs. (Source:

Although it hasn't been specified whether Microsoft will be seeking compensation for the alleged piracy, it has asked a few US Courts to prevent the named companies from continuing with their business models. Microsoft has now cited a total of 125 piracy-based actions in the last year, making it an industry leader in pursuing such activity.

The recent legal rush comes shortly after Microsoft took similar steps to prevent the growth of spammers on its popular Hotmail service. Microsoft is most aggressively pursuing the Consumer Solutions Network, which used extraordinarily deceptive email titles to dupe webmail users. Going after spammers is also nothing new for Microsoft, which has reportedly been filing legal action against companies like Consumer Solutions Network on a month-by-month basis. (Source:

Software piracy has become a rampant and lucrative business, a fact that has clearly angered Microsoft. Reports seem to suggest that the company will pursue such illegal activity in defense of legitimate and loyal vendors.

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