Linking Files: MS Excel

Dennis Faas's picture

Data that is stored in one section of a worksheet is often needed in other sections of the same worksheet, other worksheets within the same workbook, or even different workbooks.

Excel makes it easy for you to create dynamic or active links between cells, whether they are in the same or different workbooks. Linking data eliminates the need to repeat information in several files.

Links are often used to automate worksheets that share similar values. For example, several worksheets might use an interest rate figure that is constantly changing. Instead of updating the interest rate in each worksheet every time the interest rate changes, the worksheets are designed to link to a central worksheet that stores the mast interest rate. When the rate is changed in the central worksheet, the values are updated in all of the linked worksheets.

Links can be established using the point and click method of creating a formula. If the cells to be linked are located in separate workbooks, the windows can be arranged to make it easy to click on the cells in both files.

Excel creates a cell reference when the source cell is selected. If the source cell is located on a different worksheet or workbook, Excel creates an external cell reference.

To create a link by pointing, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the desired worksheets.
  2. Position the active cell where the link should be created in the dependent worksheet.
  3. Press equal and begin entering the formula.
  4. Activate the source workbook or worksheet.
  5. Select the source cell(s).
  6. Finish entering the formula.
  7. Click on the Enter button.
  8. Or press Enter.

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