Scheduling Appointments in MS Outlook 2007

Dennis Faas's picture

Outlook 2007 makes it surprisingly easy to add appointments. It will also warn you when you have double-booked!

There are two ways to enter an appointment. One is very quick and the other is more complete.

If you know you're going to have lunch with your sister on Tuesday, it's not that big a deal and so you can simply click on the starting time of your lunch date on your calendar, type a description, such as Lunch with Sis, and press Enter. Voila! Your appointment is now scheduled.

Oftentimes the appointments that you set up at work require you to include a bit more detail that you would need for your luncheon date with your sister. You may want to assign a category to a meeting so you can track your time with the client, or you may need to include information such as an agenda or addresses or directions.

To schedule an appointment the complete way, follow the steps below:

  1. Select File | New from the menu bar. The New Item menu appears.
  2. You may have noticed that CTRL + N appears next to the word Appointment. You can use CTRL + N in any area of Outlook and that key combination will create a new item in that area.
  3. Choose Appointment.
  4. The Appointment form opens.
  5. Click in the Subject box and type something there to help you remember what your appointment is about.
  6. Click in the Location box and enter the location.

If you click on the drop-down arrow it will show you a list of the last few locations where you scheduled appointments so that you can use one without having to retype the information.

  1. Click on Invite Attendees and double-click the name you want to link to your appointment. The Select Contacts dialog box closes and the name you chose appears in the Contacts text box.
  2. Click Save | Close.

The appointment you created will appear in your calendar. You may have to change your calendar view by clicking the Date Navigator on the date on which your appointment occurs so you can see the new appointment.

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