Filtering Data Using the Top 10 Filter: MS Excel

Dennis Faas's picture

In addition to filtering a data list based on unique values in a data field, Excel provides a Top 10 filter which that displays the top 10 (or a number that the user defines) values in amount or percent, based on numeric data.

Follow the steps below to apply the top 10 filter:

  1. Position the active cell anywhere within the data list or within the header row.
  2. Choose Data | Filter | AutoFilter.
  3. Drop-down arrows appear along the top row of the list.
  4. Click on the drop-down arrow of the field to filter.
  5. The Top 10 filer can only be applied to numeric fields.
  6. Choose Top 10.
  7. Select the desired options.
  8. Choose OK.

That's all there is to it! Pretty simple eh?

My next article will tell you how to apply a Custom AutoFilter.

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