Begin a Chart from Scratch: MS Word

Dennis Faas's picture

By default, the toolbars for Microsoft Graph appear on a single row. Click More Buttons to display additional buttons you can use to build and format your chart.

You must change the sample chart and data to reflect your own figures. Each change you make in the datasheet will immediately appear on the sample chart.

  1. Click the datasheet and type your text and numbers. Press Tab or arrow keys to navigate from cell to cell.
  2. Add more rows or columns by typing them.
  3. Eliminate data by selecting and pressing Delete. Alternatively, you can keep the data in the datasheet but not include it in the chart. To do this, double-click the column heading (A, B or C) or row heading (1, 2 or 3).
  4. When your datasheet is complete, click the View Datasheet button to remove the datasheet from the screen so you can more easily work with the chart.

The chart depicts the data, with the values represented by the columns. Text appears either as categories or in the legend.

If the numbers you want to chart are in a Word table, select the cells of the table before you begin the chart. These numbers will automatically appear in the datasheet, saving you the chore of typing and the possibility of making an error.

If the data already exists in a file, you don't have to retype it to create a chart using Microsoft Graph. Rather, you can import it directly into the datasheet.

  1. Click the Import File button.
  2. In the dialog box, navigate to the correct drive or folder that contains the file. If necessary, change the file type to location the file.
  3. Double-click the name of the file you want to import.
  4. If you are importing a spreadsheet, a dialog box appears allowing you to designate the specific range, or selection of cells. If you are importing a text file, the Text Import Wizard appears to lead you step by step through the import process.

You can import any text file where the data is a delimited file (separated by tabs, commas or spaces). If Excel contains the data, you can simply cut and paste into the datasheet – or create the chart in Excel and paste it into the document.

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(c) Carol Bratt, all rights reserved. Used with permission. Duplication is forbidden without express consent of author. Visit Carol's web site to learn more tips like this one!

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