'Windows Power Shell', and 'Active Security Monitor'

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Windows Power Shell

Windows PowerShell is a new task-based command line shell and intuitive scripting language for system administration that provides comprehensive control and automation for Windows administrators. Windows PowerShell allows administrators to be more productive by improving the manageability of the Windows operating system and applications that run on Windows. Free from Microsoft.


Active Security Monitor

Active Security Monitor scans your computer and provides you with a consolidated overview of your PC security based on the existence of common security products such as an up-to-date anti-virus scanner, a firewall and a spyware scanner, as well as various Windows and Internet Explorer security settings. Based on it's findings, the program will assign an overall security score (0-100) to your PC and provide you with suggestions (and product recommendations) on how to improve your score. If you have multiple computers connected to a network, you can also view the security status for all other PCs that have Active Security Monitor installed, and with free registration you can even monitor the security status for your entire network remotely from a web browser. The program will continuously monitor your PC(s) and alert you of any changes. Active Security Monitor is limited to security assessment based on (non-)existence of specific security products, and designed to create awareness of these potential risks - it does not test the actual effectiveness of your firewall or other security products. With a slick and easy to use interface, we found it mostly useful for novice users that are unfamiliar with the potential risks and available solutions.


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