
Dennis Faas's picture

Keeping Spies Out, Part 2

This entry is the second part of a three part series on spyware prevention tips. In the first article , I overviewed an excellent (and free!) tool called SpywareBlaster whose sole purpose is to prevent the installation of spyware on your computer. ... SpywareBlaster is lightweight, easy-to-use, and continually updated. Today I'm going to share a second spyware prevention tip. Are you ready? Spyware Prevention Tip #2 - Stop Using Internet Explorer Fact: Some popular forms of spyware specifically target vulnerabilities associated with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Fact: Internet Explorer has a ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Keeping Spies Out

Ask nearly any web surfer if he or she is concerned about spyware, and no doubt the majority will answer a resounding "Yes!" Indeed, there's good reason to be concerned. According to a 2005 report on spyware , antispyware vendor Webroot found that ... 88% of surveyed machines had some form of spyware installed. They even estimate that spyware authors generate in excess of $2 billion in annual revenue. A more recent study done by the University of Washington also contains some sobering statistics, including a finding that one in every 20 executable files downloaded contains some form of spyware. ... (view more)

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Freeware Antivirus: How Do They Stack Up?

Back in May of 2005, I read that my favorite freeware antivirus program (Grisoft AVG) was changing to shareware ("try and buy") with the release of their next version. I was panic-stricken! That set me to looking for a new freeware antivirus ... alternative. Not too long after my search, I was amazed to find that there were in fact two viable alternatives to Grisoft, inlcuding: avast! and AntiVir. I personally settled on using Avast! antivirus, and have been using it ever since. On a related note: it turned out that Grisoft AVG continued to offer a free edition, after all. If you're curious as to ... (view more)

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Alert: eBay and SquareTrade scam, Part 4

Are you being scammed? Need to know the definitive answer right now? Rest assured, the answer lies on this page. Please read the below article carefully. Please also note that I will NOT answer personal questions pertaining to scams because I have ... yet to encounter a question which has not already been answered on this page. Thank you for your understanding. You are, however, more than welcome to email me if you found this page helpful. ;-) -- Infopackets Reader John Doe writes: " Dear Dennis, I found your web site through Google when searching for eBay and SquareTrade. Question: we are ... (view more)

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Scanit Browser Security Test

How sure are you that your web browser is secure? Relatively sure? Not so sure? Imagine for a moment just how many people in the world are running MS Windows. And now, imagine how many of those people don't update their computers on a regular basis. ... Are you one of them? 'Cause if you are, your browser is most likely insecure -- and that means that your computer is susceptible to Trojans, Spyware, and Worms. What to do? Scanit Browser Security Test is a free checkup and reports just over twenty major vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. And best of all: Scanit isn't just limited to Internet ... (view more)

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Remove SpyFalcon (Removal Instructions)

SpyFalcon is the latest rogue anti-spyware program that dupes unsuspecting users into registering (paying) for a full version of the program in order to remove a supposed Spyware infection. SpyFalcon operates in the same manner as SpyAxe and ... SpywareStrike by issuing fake warning messages similar (and almost identical to) Windows Update Notification balloons. Click here for an example. Like SpyAxe and SpywareStrike, SpyFalcon infects the host computer due to an exploit in MS Windows. The exploit can be resolved after infection is removed and after visiting Windows Update Web site. Both steps ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Remove Winfixer (Removal Instructions)

Winfixer is also known as: Virtumonde, and Msevents, and more appropriately: Trojan.Vundo. Trojan.Vundo is a component of a Spyware program and is known to be installed by visiting a web site link contained in a spammed email. How To Remove Winfixer ... / Virtumonde / MSEvents Save these instructions to your desktop for later use. Download the Vundo Fix to your desktop. Go to your Desktop; double click VundoFix.exe. Place a check in the checkbox labeled 'Run VundoFix as a task'. You will receive a message stating that VundoFix will close and re-open in a minute or less. When VundoFix re-opens, ... (view more)

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MouseTrap: Does Your Computer have MICE?

You may have recently heard about the Windows Metafile vulnerability. Steve Gibson at has written the definitive tool to detect if your system is still at risk. He calls this vulnerability "Metafile Image Code Execution" or "MICE" and he ... calls his detection tool, "MouseTrap". Do you still have MICE? Most of you are already protected by a Windows Update. Even so, I recommend you download and run MouseTrap to be certain that your computer doesn't have MICE. If the MouseTrap shows you do have MICE, Steve's article on the WMF page contains tips on how to get rid of your little rodents. ... (view more)

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Can a Keylogger intercept cut and paste?

Infopackets Reader Windy H. writes: " Dear Dennis, I keep important information (such as credit card numbers) stored on my PC. The sensitive information, however, is disguised in such a way that if someone were to 'break in' to my PC, they would ... never realize that it is my credit card number. Question: I always go back to my repository program to cut and paste my credit card number into order forms when I make a purchase online. If there was a stealth Keylogger installed on my system, would it be able to detect the numbers I am entering? " My response: The short answer is "yes ... (view more)

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Remove SpywareStrike (Removal Instructions)

SpywareStrike is the latest rogue anti-spyware application to hit the 'net. As early as last week, users began reporting popups, homepage redirects, and annoying taskbar popup security warnings indicating that there was "an intrusion" on their PC. ... SunbeltBlog reports that infected machines are being redirected to fake "online security" websites, including (among others):,,,, and [Sample screenshot here]. All of these sites are designed to dupe unsuspecting users into ... (view more)


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