
Dennis Faas's picture

Beware the MySpace Worm

Although it's had its fair share of problems this year, we're still pretty hesitant to proclaim, "poor MySpace!" Despite accusations that the online meeting place is a haven for predatory offenders, MySpace has held on as one of the web's most ... popular hotspots. Unfortunately, there's a growing stack of reasons to be wary of it. Recently it became clear that a worm has made its way onto MySpace, and it's baiting gullible users via QuickTime video. The entire ploy is nothing more than phishing. No, we don't mean afternoons on the water with Dad, but instead, mischievous schemes that persuade ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture Not Safe, Not Trusted, And Not Spyware-Free

One of my old Internet friends, Steven Burn , wrote me about finding malware in a program called Kiwi Alpha, which is a peer to peer file sharing client. He found it at He also knows I've had bad experiences at in the ... past. Steven sent me a link to a thread at SpywareWarrior's forums where he had posted his analysis of Kiwi Alpha. It looked bad, but naturally I had to try it for myself. Preparation I created a clean Windows 98 virtual machine using Microsoft's free Virtual PC program. Then I googled for the page at I found Kiwi Alpha and installed it ... (view more)

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Yet Another Nudie Trojan Warning

Web security gurus from Sophos have found another reason to keep your zipper up and belt firmly buckled. As if it weren't already good practice to avoid nudies on the Internet, a new Trojan horse is teasing web users with explicit images and videos. ... The problems have arisen via emails. No surprise there. Although the folks at Sophos (and Infopackets, too) are still finding it hard to believe that people could be duped into something so blatantly laced with threats, there are those out there who are clicking. (source: ) What happens to those individuals is not quite as ... (view more)

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Firefox 2, IE7 Login Exploit

The whole point of releasing Mozilla's Firefox 2 and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7, aside from some flashy buttons and a few bucks for the makers, was to upgrade the security of each browser. And although the first Firefox was heralded as a ... divinely secure gift from the web surfing Gods (in the wake of IE6's massive loopholes), both Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7 are reportedly susceptible to a new and potent login spoof, which gives hackers the ability to easily swipe passwords and other sensitive information. Like Taking Candy From A Baby According to security guru Robert Chapin, web ... (view more)

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Vista Patches Already Planned

When a technology product goes "gold", generally it means all systems are go, and the final version should soon be lined along retail shelves soon. It's often reason to celebrate, for gamers anticipating the next big title, or in this case, ... businesses anxiously awaiting the release of Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows Vista. However, reports suggest that although Vista is indeed "gold" for corporate users, the OS will be subject to a plethora of updates and patches in the weeks after its first install. Windows Vista is due to launch in just over a week, as November comes to an end ... (view more)

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Staying Safe While Shopping Online

Now that the holiday season is rapidly approaching, it's a good time for some quick reminders about safely purchasing items online. Armed with the proper knowledge and a little common sense, purchasing things online can be as safe as going to the ... store and purchasing it in person. It's getting easier to purchase items online from reputable companies. However, there are also several "companies" that want to steal your personal and financial information. Listed below are some suggestions for making your online shopping experience more enjoyable. Contact Information Is the sellers address and ... (view more)

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Shocking Statement: Windows Vista Doesn't Need Anti-Virus Software

It has been drummed into the minds of PC users for years that anti-virus software is an absolute must! That's why most new computers today come with a limited time subscription for free anti-virus protection. However, Microsoft co-president Jim ... Allchin boldly declared in a recent press conference that he's completely comfortable running Vista minus a program that shields his little boy's computer from viruses. "My son, seven years old, runs Windows Vista, and, honestly, he doesn't have an antivirus system on his machine," Allchin said. "His machine is locked down with parental controls, he ... (view more)

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Virus Spoof Slams

It has been a controversial week for the free web encyclopedia known as Wikipedia. First, it was hit with a plagiarism scandal . Now, the website is under fire again because shady hackers have used it to distribute a virus. A page was created on the ... German version of Wikipedia warning users about a new variant of the Blaster worm. The article included a link to download a virus remover. Unfortunately for unsuspecting users, what they ended up downloading was the virus itself. (Source: ) Anti-virus company Sophos posted this on its website: "Wikipedia allows anyone to create ... (view more)

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Block and Remove / Uninstall Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)

Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) has been released as of November 1, 2006. If you're not ready for it yet, there are a few options to prevent its installation through Automatic Updates. Personally, I update my computer manually, so I can see what's being ... installed before it's installed. Reports say that IE7 is more secure and has more functionality than Internet Explorer 6 (some improvements include tabbed browsing and a built-in RSS reader) -- but I prefer to wait until they get a few more bugs worked out and some patches for the flaws that still exist before I'll agree to install it myself. Many ... (view more)

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International Hackers Crack ... Pennsylvania Water Supply?

Not even the essence of life is safe from hackers, it seems. Although one might expect industrial chemical dumping to be the greatest threat to a city's water supply (the Detroit River is proof), hackers actually cracked a laptop at a Harrisburg, PA ... treatment plant earlier last month. The infected computer gave the intruders access to a variety of vital files. The question is: did they use those critical files? Not apparently, according to reports. Instead, the hackers took the opportunity to load the access point with Spyware and computer viruses, perhaps unaware of the power they wielded. ... (view more)


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