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Is Microsoft Coercing XP Users into Upgrading to Win7?

Microsoft's Windows XP continues to be, by far, the most popular operating system (OS) in the world today. Recently, Microsoft released a security patch for all versions of Windows, but not Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), one of the most-used ... versions of Windows XP. So, is this a strategy to get users off XP and on to the new Windows 7? Computerworld blogger Preston Gralla thinks so. In a report published last month, tech analysts Net Applications showed that Windows XP remains far more popular than either the recently released Windows 7 or 2007's Windows Vista. Almost 62 per cent of the OS ... (view more)

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New Hack Gives XP SP2 Users Access to Microsoft Support

Microsoft two weeks ago cut support for its Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), essentially leaving millions of XP users without software updates to patch MS Windows from exploits (and hackers). However, a security researcher has revealed a new hack ... that can help SP2 users get access to the support many thought was forever lost. Microsoft's decision to cut tech support for SP2 was a controversial move, particularly when a shortcut flaw affecting the operating system emerged at the same time. SP2 users remain more exposed than users of Windows XP SP3 through Windows 7. (Source: ) ... (view more)

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New Windows Kernel Flaw Affects XP to Windows 7

Microsoft is reportedly investigating a new kernel flaw affecting all versions of the Windows operating system (OS), including the new Windows 7. The investigation began on Friday after an Israeli researcher alerted Microsoft to the issue. In ... computing, the kernel is the central component of an operating system which is responsible for bridging software programs to hardware inside the computer. Microsoft says it is working on the issue and will release a patch once it's ready. "Microsoft is investigating reports of a possible vulnerability in Windows Kernel," said the software company's Jerry ... (view more)

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Record Number of Windows Fixes Due This Tuesday

Microsoft will break a previous record by addressing 34 security vulnerabilities with this coming week's Patch Tuesday. The Redmond-based firm will issue a total of 14 security bulletins, eight of which are marked critical. According to a statement ... from the company on Thursday, the fixes address flaws in a number of Microsoft products, including the Windows operating system (OS), Office, the Internet Explorer web browser, SQL and Silverlight. (Source: ) Most Security Bulletins Ever "This will be the most bulletins we have ever released in a month; we have released 13 ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Patch Critical Shortcut Flaw Today

Microsoft's Windows Shortcut Flaw has certainly grabbed headlines these past few weeks. Fortunately, the company looks ready to move beyond the sensational headlines with a new, permanent fix due out later today. A flaw associated with .LNK ... (shortcut files) in Windows 2000 through Windows 7 was first discovered about two weeks ago by security researchers. At first, the issue involved industrial firm Siemens and could only be transmitted through infected USB key, variants of the bug have spread to common Windows users. Worse yet, researchers found that merely plugging a compromised USB stick ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Answer For Big Mistakes at Annual FAM

Microsoft Corporation will face tough questions today at the annual Financial Analysts Meeting (FAM), where it's expected the software giant will have to answer for some troubling financial numbers. Topping the list of questions: a struggling ... Internet business, mobile-phone troubles, and where the company sees its future in a constantly-changing PC market. Microsoft shares have dipped significantly this year, down about 15 per cent over the same period in 2009 and just recently emerging from a 52-week low. That's prompted questions amongst financial analysts about how the company is ... (view more)

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Free Toolset Fixes Windows Shortcut Flaw

Two third-party software companies have come together to release temporary fix for a highly contagious and critical zero-day flaw which affects all versions of the Windows operating system (OS). The security flaw, which Microsoft says it knows about ... and is working on a permanent patch towards, makes users of Windows 2000 through Windows 7 vulnerable to attack if they open a desktop folder packing an infected .LNK file extension. Microsoft Temp Fix Not Popular Microsoft last week released its own temporary solution in the form of a workaround, but few users were very fond of a solution that ... (view more)

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Hackers Target WinXP; Experts Urge Win7 Now: Report

Windows XP continues to represent the single biggest target for hackers , according to security experts who also suggest these threats could initiate a considerable push for home and business users to upgrade to Windows 7. The recent discussion is ... based on Microsoft's early 2010 "Security Intelligence Report Volume 8," or SIRv8, which covered the six-month period July 2009 to December 2009. The report found that the United States continues to be the top spot for malware threats, with populous China running second, just in front of Brazil. WinXP Vulnerabilities Behind Push to Windows 7 An ... (view more)

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Mozilla, Google Pay Top Dollar for White Hat Hackers

Mozilla and Google have taken an interesting approach to ensuring that flaws, bugs and other problems associated with their Internet browsers are reported on in a timely manner. The two companies are paying outside researchers as added motivation, ... with the belief being that if a bonus is attached for their efforts, more individuals will be willing to offer up their time to discover new errors. Not All Researchers Financially Motivated Microsoft employees need not get too excited with the news, as company representatives announced that no such bonuses will be given to their researchers. ... (view more)

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One in Six WinXP Users Plan Windows 7 Upgrade, Poll Says

According to a new poll by tech blog PC Advisor, just one in every six users of Windows XP plan an upgrade to Microsoft's newest operating system (OS), Windows 7. WinXP SP2 Cut-Off Causes Concern PC Advisor's poll was based on Microsoft's recent ... deadline to end active support for Windows XP Service Pack 2, or SP2. That leaves fans of Windows XP who want and need security updates and support for their systems the option of upgrading to Windows XP Service Pack 3 (which should continue to receive support until at least 2014 ) or a newer operating system, like Windows 7, released last October. ... (view more)


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