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Dell XPS 10 Easiest Tablet to Tinker With: Report

A few weeks ago I passed along an iFixit report which found that Microsoft's new Surface Pro tablet computer was harder to repair than an Apple iPad. With the Surface Pro employing a battery glued to the frame and more than seventy small screws, ... iFixit was forced to discourage readers from ever opening the device for home repairs. Now, iFixit has released a new report that ranks tablet computers based on their 'repairability.' Important factors considered in determining a repairability score include the number of screws and amount of glue used to keep a device together. Surface Pro, iPad 2-4 ... (view more)

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Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2: Super-Long Battery Life

Microsoft's new Surface Pro tablet computer has taken a lot of flak in recent weeks. One big complaint about the device: its battery life is too short . If you're looking for a tablet computer with a long battery life, then it might be worth ... checking out Lenovo's new ThinkPad Tablet 2. Like the Surface Pro, the new Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 uses Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system. Also like the Surface Pro, it offers a 64GB solid state drive for storage and a separate Bluetooth keyboard, which can be purchased for $120. However, that's where the similarities between the two devices end. So ... (view more)

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Archos Unveils Low-Cost iPad Alternatives

Do you find the Apple iPad just a little too expensive? With prices for the third-generation iPad starting around $500, there's still lots of room in the tablet market for budget-priced slate devices. Over the past year that gap has been partly ... filled with the release of Google's Nexus 7 device and Apple's own iPad Mini. But French consumer electronics company Archos believes there's still lots of room for low-cost slates. Archos Unveils "Platinum" Line of Tablet Devices That's why the company has unveiled three new devices which together comprise a new "Platinum" line of tablet ... (view more)

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PC Sales to Continue Downward Spiral in 2013: Study

New reports indicate that the rate at which consumers are flocking to mobile computing devices -- including smartphones and tablet computers -- could threaten the PC market. According to recent consumer polls, people are increasingly using mobile ... devices for their Internet browsing. More specifically, 27 per cent of tablet owners admit to using their PCs far less for online browsing, while 20 per cent said that their PCs are being used less often for accessing Facebook. Furthermore, 27 per cent of smartphone owners claimed they use their PCs far less regularly for both Internet access and ... (view more)

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RIM Returns to Tablet Market with BlackBerry 10

Right now there's a lot of buzz surrounding Research in Motion (RIM), makers of the BlackBerry smartphone. The Canadian company is preparing to release its much-anticipated BlackBerry 10 mobile operating system (OS) on January 30, 2013. But it's not ... just smartphones that will receive BlackBerry 10 -- instead, reports indicate that new tablet computers could also be running the upcoming mobile OS. In a recent press release RIM noted that it plans to release BlackBerry 10 for both smartphones and tablet computers. And while everyone expected the firm would be returning to the smartphone market ... (view more)

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Dell's Project Ophelia PC the Size of a Flash Drive

Dell is reportedly preparing to release one of the smallest computers in the world. It's possible the device, which Dell calls "Project Ophelia," could prompt other PC manufacturers to build tiny, portable computers like it. Project Ophelia is a ... full-functioning computer that measures just 3.5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. All in all, it's not much bigger than a USB flash drive. Device Powered by PC Monitor, TV Project Ophelia is powered by the USB port of a larger screen, such as a PC monitor or high-definition television. Dell suggests that the best way to run the device is ... (view more)

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Samsung Cancels Plans for Windows RT Tablet PC

Last week, Infopackets reported a story about California cat burglars stealing only Apple iPads from a Microsoft office in Silicon Valley. Left behind, according to reports, were many Microsoft-brand smartphones and tablet devices. Now here's more ... bad publicity for Microsoft: Samsung says it has decided to cancel plans to build a tablet computer running Microsoft's Windows RT operating system. Samsung first announced plans for its 10.1-inch ATIV Tab tablet computer last year. The firm said it would build the device around an ARM-based processor and Microsoft's Windows RT operating system, ... (view more)

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Acer, Asus Stop Producing Netbooks

Two prominent PC manufacturers have stopped making netbook computers. The move, announced by both Acer and Asus, suggests some PC makers may now see the netbook form factor as an unattractive compromise between tablet and laptop computers. A netbook ... is an especially lightweight, compact, and cheap laptop computer. Many netbooks, like the Hewlett-Packard (HP) Mini, feature a 10.1-inch screen, 1 or 2GBs of RAM, and a sub-500GB hard drive. Netbooks usually retail for under $500. Netbooks became extremely popular four or five years ago, as the global economy took a turn for the worse. The cheaper ... (view more)

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Acer Building $99 7-Inch Tablet Computer: Report

A new report indicates that PC manufacturer Acer is now working on a sub-$100 tablet computer. At the moment, however, no one appears to know when or even if such a device will make its way to the United States. With 2011 revenue in excess of $16 ... billion, Taiwan-based Acer is one of the world's largest PC manufacturers. The firm currently produces both laptop and desktop computers, as well as smartphones, storage devices, and standalone PC monitors. $99 Acer Tablet Features Dual-Core Processor However, like many other manufacturers in the technology industry, Acer is currently trying to earn ... (view more)

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FTC Offers $50K Prize For Working Robocall Blocker

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) appears to have concluded that legal action isn't enough to stop automated telemarketers. That's why it's offering a $50,000 reward for a device capable of stopping the calls. The automated calls, sometimes called ... 'robocalls,' originate with a computer dialing a number and playing a recorded message when the call is answered. Robocalls allow firms to make more phone calls without paying staff to communicate with people. Another government agency, the Federal Communications Commission, introduced new rules on robocalls earlier this year. Under the new rules, ... (view more)


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