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Make Your Own Custom System Rescue CD / DVD

Infopackets Reader Don B. writes: " Dear Infopackets Team, I have never made a disk image before. My question is: if I make a complete image backup of my C drive (25Gigabytes large), can I then erase my drive and proceed to restore my image backup? ... Or is disk imaging good only for restoring broken files, but not for doing a complete system restore on a clean drive? I guess I'm a bit confused. What I would like to do is wipe out my hard drive completely, then install Windows XP fresh and all the updates and security software, plus a few program essentials (like MS Office). After doing all of ... (view more)

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Disable Access to CD ROM Drive via My Computer?

Infopackets Reader 'Rose' Writes: " Dear Dennis, My question for you today is: how can I make my CD ROM Drive available to users logging in with Administrator rights only? Here's the problem: my kid brother shares the family computer, which has ... Windows XP professional installed on it. He likes to play online games (which are installed via the CD ROM drive); unfortunately, the games he plays seem to crashed the system. As such, I've set up a separate user account with 'general' user access and have disabled the network card so that he cannot access the Internet when using the computer. Now, ... (view more)

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Computer Won't Recognize the D Drive (CD ROM)?

Infopackets Reader 'Cathryn' writes: " Dear Dennis, My computer will not recognize my CD ROM drive (the D drive). For example: when I put a disc into the CD drive, the mouse pointer briefly changes to a CD icon (as it normally does) to tell me -- ... presumably -- that the drive is scanning the disc for its Table Of Contents. However, the CD icon only appears for a split second (when normally it would take a few seconds to read the contents). When I double-click on the D drive to run the CD, it prompts me to 'Please insert disc into Drive D', when in fact there is already a disc in the drive. Can ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How To Build Your Own External Hard Drive

An External Hard drive can come in handy for backing up files or freeing up some disk space on your PC. The only problem is they can be pretty expensive. An easy alternative is to buy a drive enclosure for about $20 and build your own using an ... internal hard drive. Building your own external hard drive enclosure can be done in as little as 5 to 10 minutes time, and without opening up your PC's case. Not only does assembling your own external hard drive save money, it provides flexibility in choosing the connections, capacity and style that fit your needs. It is also an excellent way to make ... (view more)

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Belarc Advisor: Identify Your Hardware

Infopackets Reader Kay T. writes: " Dear Dennis, I'm not much of a computer wizard, but I need to know how I can identify the make and model number of my motherboard so that I can check for updated software drivers and ensure that my system is up to ... date. Is there any way to do this without opening up the computer and peeking inside? I'm really paranoid about that sort of thing. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated! " My response: I think Belarc Advisor would be right up your alley. Of all the "system information" utilities I've ever come across, this one is pretty accurate. ... (view more)

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Yahoo! Go TV

Yahoo! recently acquired a company called Meedio, and they have wasted no time rebranding Meedio's PVR technology as " Yahoo Go TV ". The technology is available now as a free download from Yahoo!. From the Yahoo! Go TV web site: " Now you can take ... Yahoo! off your computer and put it in your living room for everyone to see. View photos, search for video clips and watch movie trailers on your TV. Plus, your own digital video recorder (DVR) lets you record and watch your favorite shows anytime for free. Be part of the Yahoo! Go for TV Beta! " (Source: yahoo.com ). Yahoo! Go ... (view more)

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Create Icons and Cursors with Paint.NET

It is possible to customize icons and cursors with MS Windows. For example: software developers often create custom icons for their applications; even webmasters and bloggers use icons (called the "favicon") for their websites. Recently, I came ... across an exemplary freeware alternative, called Paint.NET . In many ways, Paint.NET is a mix between Photoshop, Paint Shop, and MS Paint. While there aren't very many freeware plug-ins available for Paint.NET, they are both easy to install and easy to run. By itself, Paint.NET cannot edit .ICO and .CUR files; however, one plug-in in particular (aptly ... (view more)

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What to do if your Hard Drive Fails

Infopackets Reader Richard M. writes: " Dear Dennis, My hard drive has been making strange noises for a time, and today, it finally failed. The drive will boot up only to a certain point and then stop altogether; I cannot access my desktop or ... anything else. I ran a Windows 98 startup floppy and managed to do a scandisk, but when it scans the hard drive for surface errors, it stops at 21% and the noise from hard drive starts up again; it won't allow any further scanning. I tried using a program designed to fix hard drive's called 'PC Beginner' and it failed as well. I was wondering if there ... (view more)

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HD-DVD and Blu-ray Technology: The Future of DVD

On Friday, March 31st, Toshiba released the first-ever high-definition DVD (HD-DVD) player to Japanese consumers. The company said the new units would sell for an equivalent of $936 USD. (Source: digital-lifestyles.info ) Toshiba plans to release ... units in the US later this month with a cost of approximately $799, depending on features. HD-DVD is the next generation DVD format that stores data at greater densities needed for high-definition movies and television. There are two kinds of HD-DVD's: a 15GB single-layer disc, and the 30GB dual-layer with twice the capacity. In comparison, ... (view more)

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Computer Exits to Desktop when Playing Games?

Infopackets Reader Edith S. writes: " Dear Dennis, I just bought my new PC in December and am problems with all my software games. I start playing the games, and all of a sudden they go off the screen, and I'm brought back to the task bar. Then I ... have to re-click on the game task to bring it back into full screen again. This happens on and off, almost like clockwork (about every 2 minutes). Is there a setting maybe that is causing this, or is it something else? My games are all that is affected by this strange annoying behavior. Is there something I can adjust to stabilize the my game play so ... (view more)


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