Digital Rights Management

Dennis Faas's picture

Frustration Over WGA: Exploring Other Options

Die-hard Infopackets Reader Beverly C. writes: " Dear Infopackets Team, In a recent article , Brandon Dimmel was quoted stating to the effect that " ... frustration by victims of the Windows WGA spying will only build the momentum of Microsoft's ... growing list of competition." My question is: aside from the multiple variations of the Linux Operating System, what other options are there available for home users? Here's my frustration: in each release of MS Windows, there are excessive features that the average home users never accesses and does not (and probably will not) use in the future; yet ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Why Spy? Reasons Behind WGA and Microsoft's Alleged 'Spying'

With Microsoft's recent release of the anti-piracy program Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA), the technological world has been given the task of understanding this confusing and complex system intended to root out hackers trying to crack the Big M's ... merchandise. On one hand: Microsoft promises that WGA protects the user by allowing non-pirates easy access to Windows updates, downloads, and special offers. On the other hand: Industry insiders contend that WGA is a hack by Microsoft itself -- a program that deceptively infiltrates home and office computers to spy on the average Joe's every move. ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Under Fire

As the technological world tries to grasp the meaning of Microsoft's Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA), the Redmond-based company is coming under intense scrutiny and outright attacks. WGA, an initiative meant to combat piracy, has been causing ... problems with the computers that install it -- even those that aren't owned by pirates -- and allegedly acts much like a malware device, sending information back to Microsoft. Frustration with WGA and its incessant security warnings led to last week's crack by Guillaume Kaddouch, a French-based developer who design and market firewall programs. A ... (view more)


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