John Lister

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Google: OEM Mods Make Android OS Less Safe

Google says phone and tablet makers who alter Android's code to add security measures may actually be undermining security. It says device manufacturers should stick to Android's own measures. Jann Horn of Google's Project Zero security team ... specifically pointed to an alteration made by Samsung for the Galaxy A50 phone, which he says contained a bug that made the device vulnerable to attack. He says he discovered and reported the bug to Samsung in September 2018 but it wasn't patched until Samsung's security updates released this month. (Source: ) Ironically Horn believes the ... (view more)

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More Than 500 Rogue Chrome Extensions Removed

Google has removed more than 500 rogue Chrome extensions that were scamming both computer users and advertisers. Some rogue extensions have been operating for more than a year. The rogue extensions were spotted by security researcher Jamila Kaya and ... Jacob Rickerd of Cisco. They used a Cisco security tool called CRXcavator that's specially designed to assess Chrome extensions. (Source: ) The pair worked on a project to try to spot common patterns of bogus extensions. They started by assessing "a few dozen" extensions they knew to be rogue and were able to use patterns to expose 70 ... (view more)

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User Files Disappear After Botched Win10 Update

Two different Windows 10 updates have caused a host of problems, including some files disappearing from the desktop, or deleted permanently. Microsoft has pulled one update and is investigating the other. The update with the more serious problems - ... which is the one Microsoft has withdrawn - is numbered KB4532693 and has a couple of major bugs. The first is that some users have discovered their desktop has returned to its default state. In other words, any customizations such as the arrangement of icons and short cuts, or a background image, have been removed. The most credible suggested ... (view more)

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Tech Support Scams Up 40% Year-On-Year: Report

Reported cyber crime has more than doubled in the last two years according to the FBI. Over 60s are the group with the biggest value losses. The figures come from the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a central resource for reporting ... cyber crime. The IC3 works with local and national agencies and businesses to coordinate work on cyber threats and identify particular patterns of risk. In 2019 it received 467,361 complaints with the reported losses topping $3.5 billion . That's up from $2.7 billion in 2018 and $1.4 billion in 2017. (Source: ) Part of the rise may be people ... (view more)

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Scientists use Light, Sound to Produce 100 Gbps Internet

Researchers believe a new type of cable could carry Internet data at speeds 100 times greater than even the fastest on offer today. The new technology could benefit hospitals and research facilities in particular. The technique was developed by ... researchers at universities in Leeds and Nottingham in the United Kingdom, and is based around similar technology found in fiber optic cables. Those are the fastest data-carrying cables and work by sending pulses of light down a tiny transparent tube. By far, the greatest benefit of utilizing fiber optic cables is that it can transfer data over long ... (view more)

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Banking Malware Relays Passwords to Cyber Criminals

Researchers have warned of a sneaky trick that uses malware to collect passwords for online banking. The "Metamorfo" malware disables autocomplete to force users to retype passwords that can then be hijacked. Metamorfo is familiar to security ... researchers, but has developed two new characteristics. The first is that it no longer targets only financial institutions in Brazil, but has expanded to other countries. The seconds is a new tactic to make it more effective. The malware works in a familiar fashion. It's distributed through a .ZIP file that's disguised as an invoice attached to ... (view more)

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Report: Malware Attacks Fall Year-on-Year

A computer security company claims malware attacks are on the decrease. The difference appears to be that criminals are more closely targeting attacks, which could be good news for the average user. The figures come from Sonicwall, which offers ... firewalls and other cyber security solutions. The data is based on the attacks and attempted attacks it detected among customers covering 1.1 million sites in 215 countries. (Source: ) Although the actual numbers it gives aren't necessarily meaningful, the year-on-year comparisons between its new report covering 2019 and the one it did ... (view more)

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Facebook Messenger Kids Beefs Up Parental Controls

Facebook has given parents more ability to monitor their child's use of its messaging tool. The move follows criticism of Facebook producing such a tool in the first place. "Messenger Kids" launched back in 2017 for use by under 13s, who aren't ... allowed to use Facebook itself. The key selling point was that parents had to approve the contacts that the child could then exchange messages with. That hasn't always worked exactly as planned, as a glitch meant children could take part in group chats containing people who weren't approved or even that they'd blocked. Parents will now be ... (view more)

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Android Users: 17 Rogue Apps to Delete

A security company has spotted 17 rogue Android apps that users should immediately delete. All 17 apps were approved by the Google Play store, where they managed to get past Google's security checks. Bitdefender, which published the list of apps, ... says the apps aren't malware as such. However, they use tactics associated with malware creators and could seriously inconvenience users. Bitdefender dubs this as 'riskware'. The List Of Shame The apps to immediately delete are: 4K Wallpaper (Background 4K Full HD) Backgrounds 4K HD Barcode Scanner Car Racing 2019 Clock LED Explorer File ... (view more)

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Malware Botnet Mysteriously Hijacked

A malicious network of 500,000 computers used to spread malware around the globe has been taken over by do-gooders in an apparent hijack meant to foil cyber criminals. Victims of the botnet have not only found the stealth malware removed from their ... system, but are also receiving an on screen warning to update their computers. It appears the malware creators are themselves the victim of a hack attack by an online vigilante. Phorpiex Botnet a Decade Old, 500k Strong The malware concerned is distributed through the Phorpiex botnet, which has been operating for nearly 10 years. A botnet is a ... (view more)


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